ima have to be honest with you...i don't necessarily enjoy uncomfortableness. Its not exactly a fun process to go through at any stage. But another thing i've figured out is that a life following after that of Christ is anything but comfortable. Don't get me wrong...i would never go back, but lemme tell it to you straight up, if you're living a life in which all you can see around you is that of comfort, you may wanna re-examine your priorities. you may wanna ask yaself if you are moving forward in your likeness of Christ. Because we are broken vessels, and its not natural to live a life reflective of God's characteristics. Its painful. its heartbreaking. its uncomfortable. but it is restoring. its in the brokenness that we are shaped and reformed. and without that reformation...we are stagnant and life abundant is only a far-off dream.
we can live our lives based out of our sinful personalities and selfish tendencies and every problem we face can become someone else's issues. we can continue to go around the obstacles instead of through them---the path will most likely be smoother and more travelled. but you will miss out. you will trade in a life of living in abundance for that of comfort. God has been continually challenging me to drop every comfort that i still stubbornly cling to and trade it in for growth for which unmeasurable joy and peace will follow. if we are faithful in the small things in life...God will entrust us with the more. He will place more responsibility in your hands, in which we can better live out our passions and dreams. The Enemy would love to continue to blind us to the heart of our Maker and keep us living within ourselves instead of Christ. Let us learn to face our fears and enter the challenges that Christ sets before us, so that we may grow and He may transform us into better representations of His heart. Let us change our ways of thinking so that we may, in turn, change the world around us.