So this is whats currently rollin around in my mind:)....
Technically, the United States among other nations would be considered a "Christian" country, meaning that, if you took a poll of what people would characterize their identified religion as, the majority would term themselves "Christian". Interesting, to say the least, when you look around at the depravity of morality and values that shape our families, churches, communities, and consequently...our entire nation. Christianity has become the popular religion that stands merely as a title throughout many lives, falling short of characterizing a Christ-like generation or country. And to tell you the truth, as i see it, i believe that the church is responsible for this epidemic. I'm just many churches line the streets, left n right? Freedom of speech and action have gone off the deep end in so many ways, but has the church really stepped up and out into their surrounding communities to speak and show The Kingdom in boldness and strength? We are trying to fight a spiritual battle as individuals, instead of uniting the army of the church into action.
It comes down to this: transformation of not only our hearts, but also our minds. Being born again in our hearts and then born again the total conversion within our minds. Letting truth reign over the lies that have shaped our thinking...whether cultural, theological religiousity, or through any other source of our upbringing. It is impossible to even be aware of lies that we live into without taking a moment to think critically how our beliefs and values have shaped our lives and how we consequently are aligning ourselves with what Jesus spells out for us in his Word.
We have been given the power to co-create with the Most High God. to speak and shape culture into representations of more of what God's Kingdom looks like. We as God's people are to stand against the evil that surrounds us, that being, natural evil, institutional evil, and moral evil. When societies are build on morality...just nations will develop. It is not the resource of money that many countries, such as Haiti, are lacking, it is moral values. Poverty is not a result of lack of income more than it is a result of deceitful greed within the corruption of government. And our task as Christians, within the Great Commission, is not to "evangelize and save the lost"; it is clearly stated that we are to make DISCIPLES of ALL NATIONS. Our task. To bring heaven to earth. Not to merely survive...but to live and help others live abundantly. It is a transformation of our minds that needs to occur here...a conversion that is not only limited to a one-time heart decision.
We, as representatives of Christ, are to bring Christ and his kingdom into every aspect of living. into the spheres of government, education, communities. Bringing Christ into every area of not only our own thinking...but the minds of those that we DISCIPLE. This is the only way to true freedom. The church is not telling the whole story. we must tell the whole breadth and depth of God's story. "They kingdom come, They will be done...on earth as it is in heaven". "If the church does not disciple the nation, the nation will disciple the church"--And..."If the church is not intentionally bringing the entire biblical story to people and nations, then the prominent view of the culture (the culture's worldview) will influence and shape the church"---Darrow Miller (our speaker this last week). What parts of the transformational story of Truth does your society need to hear? Where is history going...and how will you influence it??!
James states it well in the remix version of The Message, "In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Words, making a salvation-garden of your life". ----of your life----Im pretty sure this is referring to all aspects of your life, not just a prayer you might have said in order to receive salvation. We are to live the kingdom out. Not just in speech, but in the inegrity of a complementary life of action. The Kingdom of God is anywhere God's will is done--where Christ the King rules.
How will we empower our churches to better shape families, socities, nations?? Our complacency is dangerous and will better serve to assist the Enemy in his agenda rather than furthering God's Kingdom. Start with the transformation of your own mind. move into the transformation of others through combination, we will transform the church...acting out what the church should look like outside of the building. We are falling short in bringing to people and nations. It is time to baptize our minds and shape the army of God!
Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and discipleship in my life. We just got back from staying a week in Tijuana, Mexico---learning about this biblical worldview stuff...taking a couple dips in the ocean...and getting to participate in a prayer walk around the worst (legal) prostitution area in Tijuana. young girls lining the streets, barely clothed, and strung out on drugs in order to get through their job. white men leading girls to hotels. people shooting up drugs in the open street. in short...sheer depravity. The Kingdom definitely needs to be brought here. we also helped in handing out soup to the homeless within a park that many use to bring their small children to to sell to the highest or maybe not...maybe for whatever price they can get. But God's hope is being carried into this city through the YWAMer's from the Tijuana base and it was breathtaking to see unfold. Lately (within my time here with YWAM) I have felt this intense urgency to truly transform my own heart and mind into that which is the best continual working out of my faith and representation of truth of Christ. This is what I will carry into the world. Please pray that i continue to open all areas of my heart to Christ so that he can touch them and renew me into a better image of wholeness as he created us to be.