Saturday, July 14, 2012

Out of The Mouth, Flows The Heart

Speak Life. 

Out of the mouth, flows the motivations of the heart...

Matthew 15:11
"What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” 

Words.  Jesus seems to put a lot of emphasis on their importance. Why? Because, just like actions, words tell a story...a story defining our beliefs...outlining our representation of the very heart of Jesus. In a generation that finds pride and entitlement in our "freedom of speech" and "speaking our minds"...or even turning our backs on words all together, claiming that words are " is only our actions that are of importance". Nah. It's both. We can choose to either speak life or death into ourselves, others and the world around us.

If we fail to realize the great importance of speaking forth Life, then we limit and contaminate Jesus' own heart. I realize that this is a pretty bold statement, but I am convinced that we are cutting our faith walks short of experiencing the fullness of Fruit. I recognize that not everyone holds the desire or the same amounts of the spiritual gifts of evangelism or encouragement; however, I also believe that we use this fact as an excuse for exercising our responsibility to call forth Life in ourselves and others. We act out of fear. Our humanity. We, again, box up Jesus into what is comfortable for us. Beloved, let us not allow our eyes to be veiled and deceived in this way!

In addition, Jesus links our words to our spiritual, physical and mental health. Why? Because he made the totality of our person as an interconnection, not as separate and compartmentalized systems. Reading through Proverbs, it emphasizes the correlation of our health...our "hearts and minds" as being influenced by one another. It links "hurting bones to lack of praising" and a "hurting heart" to depression and anxiety. If we are allowing death to flow from our mouths...complaining, gossip, negativity,  discouragement, disbelief, lies...we are affecting not only others, but ourselves in an amount of negativity that we are unaware of. If the motivations of our heart are spoken forth from our mouths, then perhaps what we allow our mouths to speak out, will act to reshapen our motivations. A theory of working backwards. Working our faith out...through heart, mind and soul. Have you ever noticed how when you choose to praise Jesus when you are least "feeling like it" act to improve your attitude...strengthen your faith and belief...and glorify the heart of Jesus as a result?

I will be the first to admit that it is often a struggle for me to claim Life. To choose choose Jesus in my mind or heart. Sometimes it is chemical, sometimes situational, sometimes...i'm just not taking care of myself. whichever the reason...death knocks on the door of our lives in some some degree...and in some form or another. Some of my poisonous thoughts include "I'm such a failure", or "What difference am i really making?"..."I'm stupid...worthless..." the list goes on longer than i'm proud of. Are these words of Life??! Um...not so much! These words don't just fill the air...they shape my very thoughts, and ultimately impact my actions. Not very glorifying to a Christ that gave his very life for this heart. When i choose praise...when i choose to remold my disbelieving thoughts or words into the very mold of Jesus' heart...then i make room for the impossible. For others to see Jesus, not me. 

Lets not stay boxed to our "personalities" or our "human nature"...for that is what we will remain stuck in...US...our humanity. A lack of walking into the fullness of our inheritance and promises. It is the motivation of our God's heart, for us to fully know him. to fully experience HIM...not us. Let us speak forth Him...Life...and close the door on more of our own disbelief--slam the door on death. Out of the mouth...can flow the heart of Jesus, because he is within us.

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