We hear these words a lot lately: "acceptance", "tolerance", "meeting the person where they're at", etc...specially in relation to what love and discipleship should look like. These words and their meanings seem to reflect the current societal mindset of coexistence. while these attributes are indeed good, i think its necessary to break down their implications a lil bit further. Lets compare two differing spheres of discipleship in context to these definitions of love: Christian to Christian; Christian to non-Christian.
Christian. This is an extremely broad term...specially in today's context. Lets define a Christian as believing in Christ and choosing to follow him with your life. This is not saying that there are not differing levels of Christ-following that Christians are operating at, furthermore, there is definitely a necessity in taking into account the spiritual age of a Christ-follower.
Okay. Now...lets look at discipleship dynamics in context of Christian to Christian...as well as in relation to the above termed concepts of love. Acceptance. What exactly are we implying by this? When i look at what acceptance should look like Biblically...this is what i'm understanding: The full acceptance of the person. However...the person should be separated from their non-biblical behaviors...don't you think? Is is not possibly true, that we should indeed accept a person for all that they are, but at the same time should challenge them to act according to who they are in Christ? If not...we are actually not believing that Christ can be fully formed within the individual. For this is love...that we spur one another forward to love and good deeds...that we don't accept less than who they are fully in Christ. It is not loving nor beneficial to let someone sin or sit in their crap. yes...you love them thru their resistance, it is called unconditional love afterall...but God himself gives us a vision...a standard to strive for (strive)...That standard is Jesus Christ, himself! Why does God set us up with such a high and actually unattainable earthly standard? Because if he doesn't...then he is saying we are not perfect within Christ...he would be saying that we are not capable of more...he would take away the striving part of Christianity and we would remain stagnant...not striving for more freedom...not pursuing more of God...ourselves-without Christ- would be enough. I think that refutes Christianity all-together does it not?
Come on Christians...this is true discipleship...this is how Jesus did it...he loves us enough to discipline us...he loves us enough not to leave us how we are. This is the kind of discipleship that we should be replicating. Enter into the struggle...enter into people's crap...but don't just sit in it with them! Challenge in love. Challenge them to not just see but to walk out the more. We have to be held to higher standards than non-Christ followers...sorry...but thats how this life is...if you don't wanna grow...you don't have to choose this life. haha. We have responsibility...no matter how old we are in our Christ-walk...because we have truth living within us. We have responsibility that non-Christians don't...we can't expect people that don't believe in Truth...in God...to act according to his ways! Where is the logic in that? But we are to be set apart from the world...we are to be the example...let's start taking responsibility for our growth...for applying the Truth that we are equipped with.
Non-believers & discipleship. If this is the dynamic...then the picture is painted a lil bit different for us. yes...you can challenge...yes you can love unconditionally (and should)...but our expectations should look differently than that of someone who claims to believe the Truth. Our standards of conduct and morality cannot be set up as a standard of conduct for non-believers...because their foundation is not based on our faith. You meet them where they're at...then you walk with them where they want to go...challenging and encouraging...but their non-biblical behaviors cannot be disciplined...they have the world as their standard. you see the difference??
Let's stop discipling people as if they do not have a Godly standard. Let's stop "accepting" less than what we were created to be in Christ. Let's start pressing forward...toward the goal...to win the prize which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
stepping up to life...life before DTS...
Sometimes...nah...most days i am one of the most stubborn people you will ever meet. but it is stubbornness that keeps me choosing life. I graduated from Transformation Discipleship Training School in March of last year. I thought i was graduating past every former hurt...transformed to the core...healed from wounds that i had not fully attended to...some of them i was aware of, some not so much. These wounds have been seeping through since, and finally fully ripped open, fully exposed before me this week. And i am once again broken...in pain...and having the choice to face the cores of my beliefs at the very roots...being faced with the choice to continue denying their impact...their even existence...and letting God do an even deeper work within me. And i choose that life. I have come to the conclusion that i am no longer capable of choosing death if it is staring me in the face. not just incapable...i merely do not desire it. While this may come as a shock to some of you that i once desired death or highly considered it at points of time...it is true, and i apologize for the rawness of these words...but that was my reality and this blog is one of realness, so that is what i will maintain.
While TDTS last fall did do a major start of healing with many broken areas of my life, i failed to realize that it was a work in progress that i needed to continue in. And in some areas i have backslided without knowing. one of those being my dependence on God. I can't tell you the exact point in which i tried to take back ALL control from God, but the fact is that God doesn't force anything...the decision is ours...and he let me try...lol...he let me fail. Or rather, he let me fall in order to learn once again that i am just not capable of maintaining truth on my own. i am not able to live this life of transformation without Him. What was i thinking?! I mean...i did try to include and incorporate God in my day...but that was just it...i was trying to "make room" for him, while still holding on to some sense of control. The sense of control came for me in trying to keep my past back...trying to believe truth over lies in my own strength...trying to speak in the opposite, trying to make the right choices without having to go what i thought as backwards...but my foundation was not yet strong enough. sometimes you have to go backwards in order to go forward. This is what i am currently facing. A time with God of entering into my past in order to gain a deeper healing...and ultimately a deeper faith and relationship with God. I could benefit from your prayers.
It is impossible to walk without first fully learning how to crawl. I think i was in the wobbly stage of trying to break free from the holding of the hands...trying to make it to the destination on such unsteady legs...not being confident of God's protection and support, and i fell. While the falling hurts...it is completely necessary in learning. I will get back up and i will take God's hand this time without letting go...because he IS my destination! My destination is not ministry...it is him...our relationship. He will never leave me...nor forsake me. He will actually never even fail me. I don't have to be afraid to depend on him with my full trust. When you lose all control, God is able to step back in. What satan intends for evil and hurt...God turns into good and joy...satan’s plan with me will always backfire...because I will always choose to fight. I will always choose life.
please keep praying. Thank you for your support.
While TDTS last fall did do a major start of healing with many broken areas of my life, i failed to realize that it was a work in progress that i needed to continue in. And in some areas i have backslided without knowing. one of those being my dependence on God. I can't tell you the exact point in which i tried to take back ALL control from God, but the fact is that God doesn't force anything...the decision is ours...and he let me try...lol...he let me fail. Or rather, he let me fall in order to learn once again that i am just not capable of maintaining truth on my own. i am not able to live this life of transformation without Him. What was i thinking?! I mean...i did try to include and incorporate God in my day...but that was just it...i was trying to "make room" for him, while still holding on to some sense of control. The sense of control came for me in trying to keep my past back...trying to believe truth over lies in my own strength...trying to speak in the opposite, trying to make the right choices without having to go what i thought as backwards...but my foundation was not yet strong enough. sometimes you have to go backwards in order to go forward. This is what i am currently facing. A time with God of entering into my past in order to gain a deeper healing...and ultimately a deeper faith and relationship with God. I could benefit from your prayers.
It is impossible to walk without first fully learning how to crawl. I think i was in the wobbly stage of trying to break free from the holding of the hands...trying to make it to the destination on such unsteady legs...not being confident of God's protection and support, and i fell. While the falling hurts...it is completely necessary in learning. I will get back up and i will take God's hand this time without letting go...because he IS my destination! My destination is not ministry...it is him...our relationship. He will never leave me...nor forsake me. He will actually never even fail me. I don't have to be afraid to depend on him with my full trust. When you lose all control, God is able to step back in. What satan intends for evil and hurt...God turns into good and joy...satan’s plan with me will always backfire...because I will always choose to fight. I will always choose life.
please keep praying. Thank you for your support.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Epidemic of Staying Still
To receive knowledge means to be made responsible for responding to that knowledge.
In saying this...only read further if you are desiring to act.
We have it all. We have every resource at our fingertips. And we have a world crisis just a google click away from description and the plea to arms. Is anyone out there? We get frustrated with a slow internet connection while in the time it takes to connect there are hundreds dying of starvation. Poverty...one of the key problems plaguing this world...one of the key problems linking other world issues such as human trafficking, abuse, abandonment, drug use, etc. It is a major root epidemic. What are we doing about it?? What are you doing about it? Pick a problem...any problem...this world is drowning with issues that remain untouched. With every resource we have in this generation...we are still not acting. We could pioneer so many job ideas...use arts and media to generate income for people...we could co-create with God to solve problems. But instead we are ok to live in the muck of complacent ignorance. its disgusting.
Pick a nation...understand the many injustices that erase the dignity of a human being. Its not hard to find...we just don't look...and if we happen to see...we either numb our minds n hearts or look the other way.
Brazil, India, Africa, Thailand...you pick...extreme poverty---extreme injustices. Babies getting thrown to crocodiles if their teeth grow in the top before the bottom ones come in---a tribal ritual of believing that child will bring a curse upon the whole group if left to live. so they toss it in the river...or bury it alive...or leave it tied to a bush for animals to eat. This happens. Now you know. What are you going to do to make a difference? These people are hungrily awaiting truth...a chance for a different way...there is no parent who wants to kill their child. These people need hope. And we hold that hope that could transform not only lives but cultures. What will we do with it?
Street kids...living on top of garbage dumps. their lives lived as a daily task of survival. scavenging through the trash for remnants of food...drinking pitch black water from the garbage infested creek...freezing during the night. Society depicting them as monsters or trash themselves...these "monsters" have the faces of normal little boys and girls, except everything about their lives is far from normal. These kids will only make it to their 30s. They are SO desparate for life...for hope. We have it! What are we doing with it??!!!
Parents selling their children into prostitution. Sometimes unknowingly, sometimes knowingly. Girls as young as 5/6 years old...some younger. Entering a life of living dead. They will never be the same. They need some hope too...they need some practical resources and new ideas. I think we are capable of meeting the demand for new ideas...i think we are more than equipped to tackle all of these problems head on. The problem doesn't lie in whether or not we are capable or if we have the resources or dreams to accomplish change...the problem lies deep within each one of us: Complacency. A lack of urgency in responsibility to respond. The problem is that the harvest is more than ripe but there are very few workers. its not CAN you do this...its WILL you? Will you respond. This is one question that you don't really need to pray about. I think that God is more than ready to say YES!!!!! GO!!!!! DO!!!!! Come on...that's his heart, is it not?
These exhortations have been brought this week from our speaker---showing us the immense opportunity to pioneer on behalf of God's people. It stokes me up so bad!!!!! i can't contain myself...how freaking blessed are we??!! Who are we that the God of this universe calls us to bring forth his name to the nations...to bring forth hope to people who are walking dead. We are so privileged...lets use it.
In saying this...only read further if you are desiring to act.
We have it all. We have every resource at our fingertips. And we have a world crisis just a google click away from description and the plea to arms. Is anyone out there? We get frustrated with a slow internet connection while in the time it takes to connect there are hundreds dying of starvation. Poverty...one of the key problems plaguing this world...one of the key problems linking other world issues such as human trafficking, abuse, abandonment, drug use, etc. It is a major root epidemic. What are we doing about it?? What are you doing about it? Pick a problem...any problem...this world is drowning with issues that remain untouched. With every resource we have in this generation...we are still not acting. We could pioneer so many job ideas...use arts and media to generate income for people...we could co-create with God to solve problems. But instead we are ok to live in the muck of complacent ignorance. its disgusting.
Pick a nation...understand the many injustices that erase the dignity of a human being. Its not hard to find...we just don't look...and if we happen to see...we either numb our minds n hearts or look the other way.
Brazil, India, Africa, Thailand...you pick...extreme poverty---extreme injustices. Babies getting thrown to crocodiles if their teeth grow in the top before the bottom ones come in---a tribal ritual of believing that child will bring a curse upon the whole group if left to live. so they toss it in the river...or bury it alive...or leave it tied to a bush for animals to eat. This happens. Now you know. What are you going to do to make a difference? These people are hungrily awaiting truth...a chance for a different way...there is no parent who wants to kill their child. These people need hope. And we hold that hope that could transform not only lives but cultures. What will we do with it?
Street kids...living on top of garbage dumps. their lives lived as a daily task of survival. scavenging through the trash for remnants of food...drinking pitch black water from the garbage infested creek...freezing during the night. Society depicting them as monsters or trash themselves...these "monsters" have the faces of normal little boys and girls, except everything about their lives is far from normal. These kids will only make it to their 30s. They are SO desparate for life...for hope. We have it! What are we doing with it??!!!
Parents selling their children into prostitution. Sometimes unknowingly, sometimes knowingly. Girls as young as 5/6 years old...some younger. Entering a life of living dead. They will never be the same. They need some hope too...they need some practical resources and new ideas. I think we are capable of meeting the demand for new ideas...i think we are more than equipped to tackle all of these problems head on. The problem doesn't lie in whether or not we are capable or if we have the resources or dreams to accomplish change...the problem lies deep within each one of us: Complacency. A lack of urgency in responsibility to respond. The problem is that the harvest is more than ripe but there are very few workers. its not CAN you do this...its WILL you? Will you respond. This is one question that you don't really need to pray about. I think that God is more than ready to say YES!!!!! GO!!!!! DO!!!!! Come on...that's his heart, is it not?
These exhortations have been brought this week from our speaker---showing us the immense opportunity to pioneer on behalf of God's people. It stokes me up so bad!!!!! i can't contain myself...how freaking blessed are we??!! Who are we that the God of this universe calls us to bring forth his name to the nations...to bring forth hope to people who are walking dead. We are so privileged...lets use it.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Who Are We Living For? Ourselves vs God:
Who are we living for???!!!
Why do we get up. For what purpose do our thoughts, actions, and speech originate and for whom? Ourselves or God?? Choosing to live for ourselves is ultimately death...which is ultimately benefitting satan. On the other hand, choosing to live for God actually produces life...while behind every little step of choice, we may have trouble seeing the essence of this value of life, it is actually extremely significant and vital to not only our growth, but to the very core of our survival.
Our Thoughts: Taking each and every thought captive...lining up each thought with biblical truth. Working towards seeing each person and situation through God's eyes and not our own. A biblical perspective of beauty instead of our human perspective of ashes. What is the foundation off of which we process life? Is the backgroud of family...the brokenness of pain and suffering...or our subsequent maladaptive coping mechanisms the springboard for deciphering what is truth or lies?? If this foundation proves to remain dominant to the truths of our faith...the truths of God's character...then we will remain in a state of brokenness and self-pity. And if we knowingly remain here...then we are inviting and entering a very dangerous choice of selfishness. one of the most extreme kinds. We lose sight of the world because we are so consumed with ourself. our own hurt...pain...traumatic experiences...the crappiness of our own backgrounds and events...alotta "me" up in here. We lose the ability to see others. We sacrifice others for ourself. we become stagnant and rigid in our ability to encapture God's ultimate best in how he would have us minister and love on others. This has been satan's tactic for years...its the same old story of his...Get Christians so fixated on themselves..."me, me, me...I, I, I"...that we are not sharpening our fellow believers let alone the lost world that is outside of ourselves.
Our Actions: Walking out in truth vs lies...and if we know and realize truth...we are held to higher standards...we are held to walk that out even if its hard or goes against what we have been taught and conditioned for. Did someone not tell you that this Christian life was going to be hard?! yeah...its a battle...if you don't choose to enter into it armed, then you will fall. walking into our inheritance. If we have been told of our inheritance, we sure better be working to step further into it each day. Our time on this earth is so limited! we are living each day in the ultimate war...the spiritual battles should be fought head on...we should be equipping ourselves with the power of truth...we so often fall into the dangerous pit of complacency and selfishness.
Our Speech: Integrity. Substance. Why do we spend so MUCH time speaking jibberish crap?! when the majority of our speech is not of substance, then maybe we need to re-evaluate the purpose of it "The purpose of building others up...according to their needs, so that it may benefit those that listen". I'm not saying everything should be spiritual or that every single word spoken should produce something of life, but maybe its time to analyze on what we spend the majority of our time talking about. Speaking forth life versus death.
If we are to focus ours as well as others' attention on the negative or the lies of a person or situation...what exactly is our goal? What exactly are we accomplishing? not life. words have power...they have power to shape our thinking...to change our mindset...to affect the spiritual realm...and sometimes we spit them out either with absolute no pre-thought...or in absolute denial of known truth. its so dangerous.
I'm talking from a place of experiencing alot of these truth choices...usually learned through personal failure and continual process. What i have learned and am still learning daily is essential to building God's kingdom...join me in entering the struggle of working out our salvation.
Why do we get up. For what purpose do our thoughts, actions, and speech originate and for whom? Ourselves or God?? Choosing to live for ourselves is ultimately death...which is ultimately benefitting satan. On the other hand, choosing to live for God actually produces life...while behind every little step of choice, we may have trouble seeing the essence of this value of life, it is actually extremely significant and vital to not only our growth, but to the very core of our survival.
Our Thoughts: Taking each and every thought captive...lining up each thought with biblical truth. Working towards seeing each person and situation through God's eyes and not our own. A biblical perspective of beauty instead of our human perspective of ashes. What is the foundation off of which we process life? Is the backgroud of family...the brokenness of pain and suffering...or our subsequent maladaptive coping mechanisms the springboard for deciphering what is truth or lies?? If this foundation proves to remain dominant to the truths of our faith...the truths of God's character...then we will remain in a state of brokenness and self-pity. And if we knowingly remain here...then we are inviting and entering a very dangerous choice of selfishness. one of the most extreme kinds. We lose sight of the world because we are so consumed with ourself. our own hurt...pain...traumatic experiences...the crappiness of our own backgrounds and events...alotta "me" up in here. We lose the ability to see others. We sacrifice others for ourself. we become stagnant and rigid in our ability to encapture God's ultimate best in how he would have us minister and love on others. This has been satan's tactic for years...its the same old story of his...Get Christians so fixated on themselves..."me, me, me...I, I, I"...that we are not sharpening our fellow believers let alone the lost world that is outside of ourselves.
Our Actions: Walking out in truth vs lies...and if we know and realize truth...we are held to higher standards...we are held to walk that out even if its hard or goes against what we have been taught and conditioned for. Did someone not tell you that this Christian life was going to be hard?! yeah...its a battle...if you don't choose to enter into it armed, then you will fall. walking into our inheritance. If we have been told of our inheritance, we sure better be working to step further into it each day. Our time on this earth is so limited! we are living each day in the ultimate war...the spiritual battles should be fought head on...we should be equipping ourselves with the power of truth...we so often fall into the dangerous pit of complacency and selfishness.
Our Speech: Integrity. Substance. Why do we spend so MUCH time speaking jibberish crap?! when the majority of our speech is not of substance, then maybe we need to re-evaluate the purpose of it "The purpose of building others up...according to their needs, so that it may benefit those that listen". I'm not saying everything should be spiritual or that every single word spoken should produce something of life, but maybe its time to analyze on what we spend the majority of our time talking about. Speaking forth life versus death.

I'm talking from a place of experiencing alot of these truth choices...usually learned through personal failure and continual process. What i have learned and am still learning daily is essential to building God's kingdom...join me in entering the struggle of working out our salvation.
Support-Raising 4 Mexico City AND BRAZIL!!!!!
okay i am excited to get outta America n to Mexico City, but i'm so freaking STOKED to have Brazil finally on the radar:) I have received so much generosity thru financial means as well as emotional support. seriously...this missionary status thing...i couldn't do it without outside encouragement and financial contributions. it is so true when they say that your supporters are actual ministry partners...working towards the same goal in bringing God's kingdom to this earth.
I have figured up that i am currently in need of around $1500 for Mexico City. I am good on staff fees for the 2 months leading up to outreach (Nov and Dec.) we will leave Jan 1. Then upon arrival back to the states...I will just need money for a plane ticket out to Brazil:)
Our ministry in Mexico City will vary, however, we expect to work alot with street children ministries that are already in existance...as well as incorporate sum skateboarding ministry up in there considering we have a skilled boarder on the team! Mexico City, alone, has over 10,000 documented street children. The economy drop out as well as drugs and alcohol consuming the family unit have led to an overload in runaway or abandoned kids. They spend most of their days scraping n begging for enough money to get glue...so that they can numb themselves with a consistent cheap high. So many opportunities for relationship building and counseling:) I will keep you updated on what our ministry options look like when we get more information. We may also work with girls who have been prostituted. prostitution is legal in Mexico. its such a dark place and we will need a TON of spiritual prayer covering.
I think i broke down a lil on what ministries i would be working alongside with during my time in Brazil. I really desire to gain insight and wisdom/knowledge in how they run their street ministries there and how they work with the kids. Do sum best practice analyses in order to implement ideas and successes within the organizations i will establish in the future.
Yeah. So...$1500 before Jan 1st. major prayer coverage/warfare during our time there: specifically...against depression, complacency, spiritual oppression, sickness (often times spiritual oppression would manifest as sickness during my last outreach in Mexico), Team unity (confrontation skills...ability to see each other thru God's eyes...sharpening each other...all for the sake of God's glory and no other reason...prayer for not lending to our human tendencies towards self-protection or anything selfish)...and that we are able to receive more information from our contacts so that we can be planning more and contacting our ministry partners. no big deal:)
I have the ability thru my Chase bank account to do direct deposit for anyone desiring to contribute. I also have my paypal account that is accessible at the top-right hand of this blogsite. checks can be made payable to: Ywam LA-Kate Hunt
11141 Osborne Street
Lake View Terrace, CA
91342 * (no name on check---make out to YWAM LA)
Again, i thank each of you for your encouragement and continual support of this ministry. And i really do LOVE when you make time to write me bout your own updates and prayer requests!!! makes me happy:) love n peace,
***if you get the chance...a good read is "A Cry From The Streets" its what ignited my passion for Brazil and the street kids there. And that's coming from a non-reader!
I have figured up that i am currently in need of around $1500 for Mexico City. I am good on staff fees for the 2 months leading up to outreach (Nov and Dec.) we will leave Jan 1. Then upon arrival back to the states...I will just need money for a plane ticket out to Brazil:)
Our ministry in Mexico City will vary, however, we expect to work alot with street children ministries that are already in existance...as well as incorporate sum skateboarding ministry up in there considering we have a skilled boarder on the team! Mexico City, alone, has over 10,000 documented street children. The economy drop out as well as drugs and alcohol consuming the family unit have led to an overload in runaway or abandoned kids. They spend most of their days scraping n begging for enough money to get glue...so that they can numb themselves with a consistent cheap high. So many opportunities for relationship building and counseling:) I will keep you updated on what our ministry options look like when we get more information. We may also work with girls who have been prostituted. prostitution is legal in Mexico. its such a dark place and we will need a TON of spiritual prayer covering.
I think i broke down a lil on what ministries i would be working alongside with during my time in Brazil. I really desire to gain insight and wisdom/knowledge in how they run their street ministries there and how they work with the kids. Do sum best practice analyses in order to implement ideas and successes within the organizations i will establish in the future.
Yeah. So...$1500 before Jan 1st. major prayer coverage/warfare during our time there: specifically...against depression, complacency, spiritual oppression, sickness (often times spiritual oppression would manifest as sickness during my last outreach in Mexico), Team unity (confrontation skills...ability to see each other thru God's eyes...sharpening each other...all for the sake of God's glory and no other reason...prayer for not lending to our human tendencies towards self-protection or anything selfish)...and that we are able to receive more information from our contacts so that we can be planning more and contacting our ministry partners. no big deal:)
I have the ability thru my Chase bank account to do direct deposit for anyone desiring to contribute. I also have my paypal account that is accessible at the top-right hand of this blogsite. checks can be made payable to: Ywam LA-Kate Hunt
11141 Osborne Street
Lake View Terrace, CA
91342 * (no name on check---make out to YWAM LA)
Again, i thank each of you for your encouragement and continual support of this ministry. And i really do LOVE when you make time to write me bout your own updates and prayer requests!!! makes me happy:) love n peace,
***if you get the chance...a good read is "A Cry From The Streets" its what ignited my passion for Brazil and the street kids there. And that's coming from a non-reader!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Details down-low
Sooo...lemme jus say its a tight thing that our God has the best of both minds...cuz...i straight up suck with details. ha...here is the latest on what he has mapped out so far for me:
Same stuff as the last download, but now the in-between is a bit discovered:)
When i get back from Mexico City (actually RIGHT when i get back) i will be flying out to BRAZIL!!!!!!!!! finally! I will be flying out with our YWAM LA school leader, Werner Pfau, to one of the YWAM bases in Brazil (i forget the name of this base). The school that i am currently staffing (School Of Ministry Development-SOMD) will be pioneered at this particular base. its pretty tight stuff. So Werner will be overseeing the start of the school's launching for the 6 weeks (it is only 1/2 the length of this school's time, to begin with). I will stay for at least 4 weeks here and help get the school started up...teachings, staffing duties...learning the language...getting accustomed to the country...making contacts, etc. Then i will launch from there to the Belo Horizonte YWAM base to partner with the existing ministries there. My desire is to work alongside the ministries that reach out to the street children. there are 3 homes:
Rescue House, The team works with children on the streets, their families in the slums and in juvenile delinquent centers.
Recanto House, The team works with street girls and girls in at risk situations; counseling and accompanying them, helping them in various ways.
Reborn Hope House, The team works in the area of prevention of teenage pregnancy in the slums, and with pregnant teenage girls, or young teenage mothers; counseling and accompanying them.
My objective in working with these differing homes in Belo and with the street children and workers within this ministry is primarily to gain wisdom, experience and knowledge of how these programs run in order to bring the concepts back to Los Angeles. My ultimate goals are to start ministries similar to Belo's houses within the worst cities of LA...then continue to pioneer what works to other major cities and countries. My time in Belo will involve much project planning and research....research of both the macro ministry build as well as the micro...down to best practices within counseling and reintegration of families and societies.
I'm stoked:) I will be able to implement all of my social work training as well as get on-site training and experience. I can't wait to see this country...look into the eyes of the street children...gain insight into best ministry practices...and all the while, knowing that it is sharpening skills needed for future business in LA! God is moving mightly...and i am humbled immensely that he desires for me to be up in it. Blows me away. That's our inheritance my peeps! don't ask why...just ask where?! Where do you want me, God?! What do you have for me?! Because he does. He's got alot more for you than you may think. We get to freaking co-create with the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. This life is way worth it.
Dang...ight, i'm gettin off track again, shocker i know. anyways...so i will be in Brazil for...i'm not quite sure, but it could be all the way up to late summer of 2011. Perhaps a total of 6 months. But i'm not sure on the length...i just know that i will be back in LA by August/September. And ready to hit the city!! Better equipped to help establish programs and housing ministries within the worst hoods in America. yes, that excites me...that is where my heartbeat is. That is where God is calling the church.
If you would like to partner with me in prayer or financially....Please lemme know!!!!! I have direct deposit with my new Chase Bank electronics...PayPal at the top of this page...and address to send checks to...haha. I do really need pray support tho too, i gotta lotta spiritual warfare surrounding me at all times, and i would really appreciate knowing names of people committed to praying for me! Love you all....
Same stuff as the last download, but now the in-between is a bit discovered:)
When i get back from Mexico City (actually RIGHT when i get back) i will be flying out to BRAZIL!!!!!!!!! finally! I will be flying out with our YWAM LA school leader, Werner Pfau, to one of the YWAM bases in Brazil (i forget the name of this base). The school that i am currently staffing (School Of Ministry Development-SOMD) will be pioneered at this particular base. its pretty tight stuff. So Werner will be overseeing the start of the school's launching for the 6 weeks (it is only 1/2 the length of this school's time, to begin with). I will stay for at least 4 weeks here and help get the school started up...teachings, staffing duties...learning the language...getting accustomed to the country...making contacts, etc. Then i will launch from there to the Belo Horizonte YWAM base to partner with the existing ministries there. My desire is to work alongside the ministries that reach out to the street children. there are 3 homes:
Rescue House, The team works with children on the streets, their families in the slums and in juvenile delinquent centers.
Recanto House, The team works with street girls and girls in at risk situations; counseling and accompanying them, helping them in various ways.
Reborn Hope House, The team works in the area of prevention of teenage pregnancy in the slums, and with pregnant teenage girls, or young teenage mothers; counseling and accompanying them.
My objective in working with these differing homes in Belo and with the street children and workers within this ministry is primarily to gain wisdom, experience and knowledge of how these programs run in order to bring the concepts back to Los Angeles. My ultimate goals are to start ministries similar to Belo's houses within the worst cities of LA...then continue to pioneer what works to other major cities and countries. My time in Belo will involve much project planning and research....research of both the macro ministry build as well as the micro...down to best practices within counseling and reintegration of families and societies.
I'm stoked:) I will be able to implement all of my social work training as well as get on-site training and experience. I can't wait to see this country...look into the eyes of the street children...gain insight into best ministry practices...and all the while, knowing that it is sharpening skills needed for future business in LA! God is moving mightly...and i am humbled immensely that he desires for me to be up in it. Blows me away. That's our inheritance my peeps! don't ask why...just ask where?! Where do you want me, God?! What do you have for me?! Because he does. He's got alot more for you than you may think. We get to freaking co-create with the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. This life is way worth it.
Dang...ight, i'm gettin off track again, shocker i know. anyways...so i will be in Brazil for...i'm not quite sure, but it could be all the way up to late summer of 2011. Perhaps a total of 6 months. But i'm not sure on the length...i just know that i will be back in LA by August/September. And ready to hit the city!! Better equipped to help establish programs and housing ministries within the worst hoods in America. yes, that excites me...that is where my heartbeat is. That is where God is calling the church.
If you would like to partner with me in prayer or financially....Please lemme know!!!!! I have direct deposit with my new Chase Bank electronics...PayPal at the top of this page...and address to send checks to...haha. I do really need pray support tho too, i gotta lotta spiritual warfare surrounding me at all times, and i would really appreciate knowing names of people committed to praying for me! Love you all....
Monday, October 18, 2010
Straight-Up Support Letter! + download on God in LA
Hi to all my brothers n sisters in Christ!! I'm writing this blog post in support-raising/newsletter style with the intent being to letchu know what God has been up to at YWAM Los Angeles...as well as to ask those of you who are excited about these God-movements to either 1. continue to partner with me in prayer/financially or 2. Begin to partner with me in prayer/financially! For those of you who do not yet know...I have joined the YWAM LA staff and I have committed to LA ministry for 2 years. As staff, we are still working support-raising style...but still have staff fees of $275/mo. I would like to maintain a $400 budget if possible. I am in need of monthly or 1-time donations/support!! I really feel that God has called me here to this particular ministry, so i know that He will provide. If you feel so led to partner with me financially...please let me know so that i can send you support envelopes...updates...and stay in contact with you. I am already falling short for this month...dang...this faith life is quite the challenge for me. All out dependency...not exactly what i'm used to...just being honest.
Anyways...enough of money talk:)...lets get to the tight God action!!! YWAM Los Angeles is in a state of preparing for thousands of new believers and youth to invade this LA base. We, as a base, have received the prophecy of being one of the key locations that will take in...train...and mobilize 20,000 young people from within the city who will rise up as new believers and help to impact this entire City of Angels. You may read this and think..."Oh those radical YWAMers!" lol...but seriously...this prophecy has been confirmed with several other visions and pictures and other prophecies coming from among the organization's very founders all the way to having God impressing the same visions to our own staff. Believe it or not...LA is going to be woken up soon. God is moving...he is going to put his glory on display in a city that has been deadened to sin and life for too long. I'M SO STOKED!!!!!
While that, of course, is being prepared in the present...the result is future-oriented. my favorite:) so...shifting back into more of the present...As most of you know, i am currently staffing the School Of Ministry Development (SOMD). We are getting ready to go into our 5th week!! And as i think about it, it is a little ironic that i think to write this support letter now, because tomorrow we will start teaching on Faith & Finances lol. sum tight teaching from a great speaker. While staffing has been quite challenging...it has been dually rewarding. I get to wake up everyday and watch God at work within my student's lives. And He is quite the Artist!!! working it so uniquely and intricately with each one. A woven work of love and grace...ashes to beauty. Redemption and restoration!!! Freedom. These young adults are anchoring their faith roots in DEEP!!! allowing God to come in...clean house...and rebuild on the firmest foundation that will last and, in turn, multiply within others. It is seriously such a great blessing to have the privilege of walking them through with God. sum front-row action!! I have been learning so much...deepening my own roots.
A lil more future:)...I have decided to go on outreach with a team of 4 after the lecture phase is over...back to Mexico City!! We have the opportunity to enter into several specific ministries that are already being worked with...from counseling to street work. We will prolly stay 2-3 months. I will then head back to LA and prepare for the next phase of...i'm not sure...lol. But in the near future...most likely next Spring, I plan to join the Urban Dept here at the base. The Urban team works within the city of Los Angeles. We are partnering with them currently, attending and running the after-school program for at-risk youth. The program was started by the LAPD and they help keep the kids in line while we try to teach them about their worth...as well as how to do their algebra:). The kids are picked by the LAPD to join this program due to their poor behavior, criminality, and risk of gang involvement. We go with our students every Tuesday and Thursday, as well as Saturday morning now, to minister to these hurting kids. The Urban Team plans to purchase a house within the projects, prolly in the next year...moving into the worst communities (Pacoima/Watts) and bring the church to them. starting mini and gang DTS' (Discipleship Training Schools)...offering counseling...etc. The very ideas that God has downloaded upon my heart--SPECIFICALLY--he has also downloaded specifically onto the hearts of the Urban Team leaders!! i love it. i love the way God works.
So thats sum present n future breakin it down information! If you would like to be a part of these particular LA God works...please let me know!!! whether prayerfully or financially. It is helpful to me to know that i have people praying for me...specially when it is rough...i can think..."oh yeah, so n so are praying for me n got my back!". And financially, of course, is very needed. And i would love to know how i can be praying for you...so please don't hesitate to shoot me sum prayer requests!!! Love to all, and hope this note finds you doing well n with God stories of your own. oh yeah...n i'd love to hear bout your personal God experiences as well!!!!!!!!!
Anyways...enough of money talk:)...lets get to the tight God action!!! YWAM Los Angeles is in a state of preparing for thousands of new believers and youth to invade this LA base. We, as a base, have received the prophecy of being one of the key locations that will take in...train...and mobilize 20,000 young people from within the city who will rise up as new believers and help to impact this entire City of Angels. You may read this and think..."Oh those radical YWAMers!" lol...but seriously...this prophecy has been confirmed with several other visions and pictures and other prophecies coming from among the organization's very founders all the way to having God impressing the same visions to our own staff. Believe it or not...LA is going to be woken up soon. God is moving...he is going to put his glory on display in a city that has been deadened to sin and life for too long. I'M SO STOKED!!!!!
While that, of course, is being prepared in the present...the result is future-oriented. my favorite:) so...shifting back into more of the present...As most of you know, i am currently staffing the School Of Ministry Development (SOMD). We are getting ready to go into our 5th week!! And as i think about it, it is a little ironic that i think to write this support letter now, because tomorrow we will start teaching on Faith & Finances lol. sum tight teaching from a great speaker. While staffing has been quite challenging...it has been dually rewarding. I get to wake up everyday and watch God at work within my student's lives. And He is quite the Artist!!! working it so uniquely and intricately with each one. A woven work of love and grace...ashes to beauty. Redemption and restoration!!! Freedom. These young adults are anchoring their faith roots in DEEP!!! allowing God to come in...clean house...and rebuild on the firmest foundation that will last and, in turn, multiply within others. It is seriously such a great blessing to have the privilege of walking them through with God. sum front-row action!! I have been learning so much...deepening my own roots.
A lil more future:)...I have decided to go on outreach with a team of 4 after the lecture phase is over...back to Mexico City!! We have the opportunity to enter into several specific ministries that are already being worked with...from counseling to street work. We will prolly stay 2-3 months. I will then head back to LA and prepare for the next phase of...i'm not sure...lol. But in the near future...most likely next Spring, I plan to join the Urban Dept here at the base. The Urban team works within the city of Los Angeles. We are partnering with them currently, attending and running the after-school program for at-risk youth. The program was started by the LAPD and they help keep the kids in line while we try to teach them about their worth...as well as how to do their algebra:). The kids are picked by the LAPD to join this program due to their poor behavior, criminality, and risk of gang involvement. We go with our students every Tuesday and Thursday, as well as Saturday morning now, to minister to these hurting kids. The Urban Team plans to purchase a house within the projects, prolly in the next year...moving into the worst communities (Pacoima/Watts) and bring the church to them. starting mini and gang DTS' (Discipleship Training Schools)...offering counseling...etc. The very ideas that God has downloaded upon my heart--SPECIFICALLY--he has also downloaded specifically onto the hearts of the Urban Team leaders!! i love it. i love the way God works.
So thats sum present n future breakin it down information! If you would like to be a part of these particular LA God works...please let me know!!! whether prayerfully or financially. It is helpful to me to know that i have people praying for me...specially when it is rough...i can think..."oh yeah, so n so are praying for me n got my back!". And financially, of course, is very needed. And i would love to know how i can be praying for you...so please don't hesitate to shoot me sum prayer requests!!! Love to all, and hope this note finds you doing well n with God stories of your own. oh yeah...n i'd love to hear bout your personal God experiences as well!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
random exclamation
how do i adequately express the dancing of my soul? how do i perfectly paint the landscape of joy threatening to explode from the depths of my being?
It is unlike any tweeked out trip. nothing money can purchase. nothing man could attempt to create. our mind can't comprehend it all...He is too enormous for our finite understanding
This is why i continue to choose faith...because i continue to see through experience. His presence fills me to overflowing...i cannot contain his goodness. i cannot possibly keep this treasure of joyous hope all to myself.
i belong. i belong to The Most High God. I can't seem to sleep! the excitement fills my heart and mind as i lay resting assured that i am His. I have been marked as His child. There is absolutely nothing that can separate me from this Love.
His very touch cascades down my cheeks in tears of comfort. i am loved. my breath is taken away by the gracious gentleness and pure love of oceanic proportions
This is my God. This is who i serve. This is who i will continue to live for.
It is unlike any tweeked out trip. nothing money can purchase. nothing man could attempt to create. our mind can't comprehend it all...He is too enormous for our finite understanding
This is why i continue to choose faith...because i continue to see through experience. His presence fills me to overflowing...i cannot contain his goodness. i cannot possibly keep this treasure of joyous hope all to myself.
i belong. i belong to The Most High God. I can't seem to sleep! the excitement fills my heart and mind as i lay resting assured that i am His. I have been marked as His child. There is absolutely nothing that can separate me from this Love.
His very touch cascades down my cheeks in tears of comfort. i am loved. my breath is taken away by the gracious gentleness and pure love of oceanic proportions
This is my God. This is who i serve. This is who i will continue to live for.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Power of Choice
What's poppin, everybody???!!! Its been a minute since my last update, thus, i gotta lot in my head right now and its rather scattered...so i'll try n write it all out in a way that it'll make sense!
First things first: School (...Of Ministry Development-SOMD) has finally started!!! We are done with our first week and it was extremely challenging, but God's hand was so evident as we pressed foward. So...thats where i'll start to break it all down for you:)...
Even before the school started, as well as a couple days into the start of the week...i had the feeling of complete disaster. I felt that i could do nothing right...some things were brought against me...some things i brought against myself in response, and basically i felt like a complete failure...like i had nothing to contribute. I was asking myself and God why i was even here. "Why, God, do you have me here when everything seems to be going wrong?!" That was my honest question-asking to the God of the universe:) I was feeling. And it wasn't good feelings...it was...well...painful!
So...first choice that was brought before me: Do i choose to do whats right even when everything feels so painful and uncomfortable? Do i choose to respond in love to hurt. Do i choose the deepening of my roots in Jesus instead of trying to sooth my own pain? Do i choose to relinquish my rights...no matter how uncomfortable it is---in order to die to myself so that i can live fuller in Christ? Choosing to respond in my identity as a daughter of God (In those truths and not believing the lies). Not easy questions...even harder answers! Because you know what the answer should be, right? It kinda sucks knowing the answer...because then you are responsible to act. And the core of my thinking rooted back to the same problem that i've had before...trust. Do i REALLY trust God with my feelings...and if i choose whats right...will God meet me? Do i really believe that i am who God claims that i am? And if so...that means i have to live and respond accordingly. If i cross that line of faith (and i'm talkin hard out faith---for me at least---faith=trusting when you can't see---trusting that God has my best...that he won't abandon me to do this alone...) Will it be worth the pain and will God be on the other side of that line? I seriously cannot say that i knew he would meet me if i chose to trust him...if i chose to act in responding in truth and turning to Him. But even though my fear of rejection and my fear to live in truth of who i am (contrary to what i often choose---deep down inside) was challenging me and making me hesitate, my fear of not advancing...of staying in my crap...and of missing out of knowing more of who my God is, dominated my selfish and self-preserving tendencies.
And guess what?! He met me in my choice to trust him lol. Who knew?! This God i serve really does back up his words that he writes to us within the Scriptures! What a doubter i am. And i prolly will face this basic decision many many more times throughout this faith journey...but...thats just it; i know now that i, one: have the option of choice, and two: my God is for me. This is the e-mail i received from my big sis the morning after i chose to move forward in faith (and she didn't know anything of what i was feeling bc we hadn't talked!): "Kat, God has preserved your life for such a time as this! You are exactly where God wants you to be. Don't be discouraged; don't allow the enemy to allow you to be disheartened. Stand your ground against his attacks. know the Lord ahs called your name, has presered you and IS USING you greatly for His Kingdom." haha...just one more of the rewards i received from God!
God is faithfully bringing me to the end of myself, and will hopefully continue to do so the rest of my life. It is painfully uncomfortable, but it is totally worth it. Instead of functioning on what i know...or believing lies...or having all the answers...or responding out of fears...i know that there is a better way. Its funny how God shows up when we step out of the way. How much truth he has imparted to me when i feel like i know nothing.
Growing up in God is not comfortable! There will be sacrifice. And there will be times when God asks us to do things that are going to seem so hard for us, but he WILL give us the grace to get through it and he WILL show us the reward when we choose HIM. Truth was not intended to be merely absorbed...but experienced. We need to assimilate the Christ that we read about and memorize his words within Scriptures...but while Encountering Christ, Scripture, and Truth...versus Recounting. We have the choice and there is power within that choice---power to deepen the roots of our entire foundation of faith.
First things first: School (...Of Ministry Development-SOMD) has finally started!!! We are done with our first week and it was extremely challenging, but God's hand was so evident as we pressed foward. So...thats where i'll start to break it all down for you:)...
Even before the school started, as well as a couple days into the start of the week...i had the feeling of complete disaster. I felt that i could do nothing right...some things were brought against me...some things i brought against myself in response, and basically i felt like a complete failure...like i had nothing to contribute. I was asking myself and God why i was even here. "Why, God, do you have me here when everything seems to be going wrong?!" That was my honest question-asking to the God of the universe:) I was feeling. And it wasn't good feelings...it was...well...painful!
So...first choice that was brought before me: Do i choose to do whats right even when everything feels so painful and uncomfortable? Do i choose to respond in love to hurt. Do i choose the deepening of my roots in Jesus instead of trying to sooth my own pain? Do i choose to relinquish my rights...no matter how uncomfortable it is---in order to die to myself so that i can live fuller in Christ? Choosing to respond in my identity as a daughter of God (In those truths and not believing the lies). Not easy questions...even harder answers! Because you know what the answer should be, right? It kinda sucks knowing the answer...because then you are responsible to act. And the core of my thinking rooted back to the same problem that i've had before...trust. Do i REALLY trust God with my feelings...and if i choose whats right...will God meet me? Do i really believe that i am who God claims that i am? And if so...that means i have to live and respond accordingly. If i cross that line of faith (and i'm talkin hard out faith---for me at least---faith=trusting when you can't see---trusting that God has my best...that he won't abandon me to do this alone...) Will it be worth the pain and will God be on the other side of that line? I seriously cannot say that i knew he would meet me if i chose to trust him...if i chose to act in responding in truth and turning to Him. But even though my fear of rejection and my fear to live in truth of who i am (contrary to what i often choose---deep down inside) was challenging me and making me hesitate, my fear of not advancing...of staying in my crap...and of missing out of knowing more of who my God is, dominated my selfish and self-preserving tendencies.
And guess what?! He met me in my choice to trust him lol. Who knew?! This God i serve really does back up his words that he writes to us within the Scriptures! What a doubter i am. And i prolly will face this basic decision many many more times throughout this faith journey...but...thats just it; i know now that i, one: have the option of choice, and two: my God is for me. This is the e-mail i received from my big sis the morning after i chose to move forward in faith (and she didn't know anything of what i was feeling bc we hadn't talked!): "Kat, God has preserved your life for such a time as this! You are exactly where God wants you to be. Don't be discouraged; don't allow the enemy to allow you to be disheartened. Stand your ground against his attacks. know the Lord ahs called your name, has presered you and IS USING you greatly for His Kingdom." haha...just one more of the rewards i received from God!
God is faithfully bringing me to the end of myself, and will hopefully continue to do so the rest of my life. It is painfully uncomfortable, but it is totally worth it. Instead of functioning on what i know...or believing lies...or having all the answers...or responding out of fears...i know that there is a better way. Its funny how God shows up when we step out of the way. How much truth he has imparted to me when i feel like i know nothing.
Growing up in God is not comfortable! There will be sacrifice. And there will be times when God asks us to do things that are going to seem so hard for us, but he WILL give us the grace to get through it and he WILL show us the reward when we choose HIM. Truth was not intended to be merely absorbed...but experienced. We need to assimilate the Christ that we read about and memorize his words within Scriptures...but while Encountering Christ, Scripture, and Truth...versus Recounting. We have the choice and there is power within that choice---power to deepen the roots of our entire foundation of faith.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Details n a lil breakin it down!
Hey to all my prayer warriors n supporting homies!!!!!
So...many of you have been askin for a run down on the details of what i'm currently up to, since i seem to enjoy bloggin it up bout the abstract and idealistic, overall thinkings of my brain instead of the detailed workings of the rational realities. haha. So...i'ma try my best to set a comprehensive picture up for you to understand:
This weekend i am moving into a new trailer with a new roomie (a very awesome roomie!!!) Her name is Helena...she is German...and alot like my oldest sister. So we are pretty much opposites, but i like it like that:) love her! and we will both be staffing together for this upcoming School Of Ministry Development (SOMD) (Also the school that i just completed myself). I live in the trailer with 3 other girls, not including Helena. How am i doing so far?! lol. And our room is freshly painted up---it looks moderny with deep reds, black and whites. i'ma fan. it feels more like a little apartment!
SOMD planning and training will begin this Monday and run up until the students come on Sept 18th. We still need to plan outreaches for after lecture phase...look and pray over a couple more student applications, and im sure alot more logistical work in the preparation for the school to start. SOMD, if i haven't explained it before, consists of a 3 month lecture/local outreach work---where the students learn their giftings and strengths....passions...community development...basic counseling techniques...worldview (which will blow their minds wide open)...faith and finances, etc. each week a new speaker comes to teach on these subjects and entertain questions and dialogue. The students will choose a focus track in which they will serve within the community during the week. Some will work with our Urban Team in going to Jeopardy (an at-risk youth center). The Urban team has been working with these at-risk youth for a long time and have built relationships with them. some of the other students will be working with a youth group through a community church....we have also started building relationships with the youth there. and still others will be working on furthering the relationships already established at the local skate park. Its gunna be so tight!!! After the 3 months of lecture is over, we will present them with overseas outreach locations which will last between 2-3 months...or some may choose to just stay long-term!
My job: I will be supervising the Jeopardy students and continuing fostering relationships with the kids there. i love those kids and have already met many of them throughout this summer. I will have a small group of students which i will meet with throughout the week...as a group and individually. Counseling skill refreshing will certainly occur i'm sure! This is what i am most excited for....discipling the students. pouring out to others, the wisdom and love that have been poured into me during my time here. This is why God called me to stay here with YWAM LA: To disciple. To learn more of the depths of his love and grace....to learn more. I am excited to lay down my life for these students and walk with them through their eye-opening revelations and through their challenges and processes of restoration. So...i'm getting carried away again with my passionate heart lol...but basically, i will be sitting through the class times with the students throughout the week...going to Jeopardy with them...attending staff meetings...helping with logistics and giving input to aid in the overall growth of the school and the students. I will be working alongside a very TIGHT staff and leadership. There is one overall school leader, Chanelle (who has also lead both my DTS and my SOMD) and 3 of us staff---me, my roommate, Helena...and Geoff. i love them all and we work and think so differently that it will be amazing to watch how God uses our uniqueness to complement the whole of the team for the advancement of God's glory.
People have asked me that now that i am on staff...i will be getting paid, right?! hahaha....ummmm...not so much lol. No YWAM staff gets paid, not even the base director. we are working on total faith with our finances...well...we do what we can and should in this area---raising support and creating budgets...and structuring our incomes with our expenses in wise ways, but in the end...God is seriously evident as our Daddy...our Provider. and to tell you the truth...it is SO AWESOME to see how he has already worked in this area in my time here. i kinda like it. i am forced to trust God, with money---which is not easy for me because money has been an ill subject for me. BUT...i have been shown a faithfulness that i would never have seen in the same way if i wouldn't have to give it up to Him. and as a result...my trust in my Daddy is increased immensly. I find out a little bit more of who it is that i serve. and my faith walk is lifted to new levels! so...with no further rambling in excitement....i come to a new thought...hence a new paragraph:)...
I am calling on anyone who reads this who may feel led to support me financially. and if you don't feel so led after reading this, i ask that you pray about supporting me haha. just to make sure:) I need your help in order to remain ministering within this setting at YWAM Los Angeles. I am trying to create a budget of $500 a month. I have $300 already pledged monthly. i prefer monthly giving, but obviously would greatfully welcome one time givings. If you are desiring to support me, you can send me a message on fb or give me a call: 317.332.4764 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 317.332.4764 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Or you can just go ahead and send a payment either through my paypal (located on the top right corner of my blogsite: http//www.stepup2life.blogspot.com....or mail it to YWAM LA attn: Registrar 11141 Osborne St Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
My staff contract with YWAM LA is a 2-year committment. but this doesn't mean i stay on the LA base the whole time. the leadership is starting up the same school (SOMD) in Brazil in this coming up March. I am praying about joining the staff team there. it would be ideal in my mind for starting to get plugged into the brazilian community and start connecting and working with the street children ministry there in Belo Horizonte. But we will see...God seems to have his own agenda for me, that doesn't always match up with my own ideas lol. But his plan is perfect. and his timing is perfect. and i know without doubt that he is preparing me to launch my visions and dreams. The vision of a safe house/rehab center for street kids and survivors of child trafficking/prostitution is still my dream. to have a team of therapists that work with the children...write the children's stories in a book for them not be forgotten...for societies to know of the pain that exists within this world. and a new dimension of thought has recently invaded my thinking. To not only have these kids be counseled and worked with in their skills and giftings so that they are prepared for life and supporting themselves...but to work alongside local churches and have church families adopt these kids...still being provided with family and individual counseling. I believe it is the job of the church to look after orphans....and we are failing at this. I want to replicate this idea in several countries: (at the moment i'm thinking about): Brazil, Thailand, Nepal, Phillipines, Cambodia, Africa (west and south)....and New York:)
So....there it is!!! hahah...the low down of my current stage of following God, and my future ideas that we are working up together. It's an exciting adventure...this God life...and i ask again, for you to be apart and to partner with me however you can. Thank you over n over again for all of the support many of you have blessed me with throughout my life and time here in LA. God has used you in such huge ways!!!!!!!
Love n blessings.
So...many of you have been askin for a run down on the details of what i'm currently up to, since i seem to enjoy bloggin it up bout the abstract and idealistic, overall thinkings of my brain instead of the detailed workings of the rational realities. haha. So...i'ma try my best to set a comprehensive picture up for you to understand:
This weekend i am moving into a new trailer with a new roomie (a very awesome roomie!!!) Her name is Helena...she is German...and alot like my oldest sister. So we are pretty much opposites, but i like it like that:) love her! and we will both be staffing together for this upcoming School Of Ministry Development (SOMD) (Also the school that i just completed myself). I live in the trailer with 3 other girls, not including Helena. How am i doing so far?! lol. And our room is freshly painted up---it looks moderny with deep reds, black and whites. i'ma fan. it feels more like a little apartment!
SOMD planning and training will begin this Monday and run up until the students come on Sept 18th. We still need to plan outreaches for after lecture phase...look and pray over a couple more student applications, and im sure alot more logistical work in the preparation for the school to start. SOMD, if i haven't explained it before, consists of a 3 month lecture/local outreach work---where the students learn their giftings and strengths....passions...community development...basic counseling techniques...worldview (which will blow their minds wide open)...faith and finances, etc. each week a new speaker comes to teach on these subjects and entertain questions and dialogue. The students will choose a focus track in which they will serve within the community during the week. Some will work with our Urban Team in going to Jeopardy (an at-risk youth center). The Urban team has been working with these at-risk youth for a long time and have built relationships with them. some of the other students will be working with a youth group through a community church....we have also started building relationships with the youth there. and still others will be working on furthering the relationships already established at the local skate park. Its gunna be so tight!!! After the 3 months of lecture is over, we will present them with overseas outreach locations which will last between 2-3 months...or some may choose to just stay long-term!
My job: I will be supervising the Jeopardy students and continuing fostering relationships with the kids there. i love those kids and have already met many of them throughout this summer. I will have a small group of students which i will meet with throughout the week...as a group and individually. Counseling skill refreshing will certainly occur i'm sure! This is what i am most excited for....discipling the students. pouring out to others, the wisdom and love that have been poured into me during my time here. This is why God called me to stay here with YWAM LA: To disciple. To learn more of the depths of his love and grace....to learn more. I am excited to lay down my life for these students and walk with them through their eye-opening revelations and through their challenges and processes of restoration. So...i'm getting carried away again with my passionate heart lol...but basically, i will be sitting through the class times with the students throughout the week...going to Jeopardy with them...attending staff meetings...helping with logistics and giving input to aid in the overall growth of the school and the students. I will be working alongside a very TIGHT staff and leadership. There is one overall school leader, Chanelle (who has also lead both my DTS and my SOMD) and 3 of us staff---me, my roommate, Helena...and Geoff. i love them all and we work and think so differently that it will be amazing to watch how God uses our uniqueness to complement the whole of the team for the advancement of God's glory.
People have asked me that now that i am on staff...i will be getting paid, right?! hahaha....ummmm...not so much lol. No YWAM staff gets paid, not even the base director. we are working on total faith with our finances...well...we do what we can and should in this area---raising support and creating budgets...and structuring our incomes with our expenses in wise ways, but in the end...God is seriously evident as our Daddy...our Provider. and to tell you the truth...it is SO AWESOME to see how he has already worked in this area in my time here. i kinda like it. i am forced to trust God, with money---which is not easy for me because money has been an ill subject for me. BUT...i have been shown a faithfulness that i would never have seen in the same way if i wouldn't have to give it up to Him. and as a result...my trust in my Daddy is increased immensly. I find out a little bit more of who it is that i serve. and my faith walk is lifted to new levels! so...with no further rambling in excitement....i come to a new thought...hence a new paragraph:)...
I am calling on anyone who reads this who may feel led to support me financially. and if you don't feel so led after reading this, i ask that you pray about supporting me haha. just to make sure:) I need your help in order to remain ministering within this setting at YWAM Los Angeles. I am trying to create a budget of $500 a month. I have $300 already pledged monthly. i prefer monthly giving, but obviously would greatfully welcome one time givings. If you are desiring to support me, you can send me a message on fb or give me a call: 317.332.4764 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 317.332.4764 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Or you can just go ahead and send a payment either through my paypal (located on the top right corner of my blogsite: http//www.stepup2life.blogspot.com....or mail it to YWAM LA attn: Registrar 11141 Osborne St Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
My staff contract with YWAM LA is a 2-year committment. but this doesn't mean i stay on the LA base the whole time. the leadership is starting up the same school (SOMD) in Brazil in this coming up March. I am praying about joining the staff team there. it would be ideal in my mind for starting to get plugged into the brazilian community and start connecting and working with the street children ministry there in Belo Horizonte. But we will see...God seems to have his own agenda for me, that doesn't always match up with my own ideas lol. But his plan is perfect. and his timing is perfect. and i know without doubt that he is preparing me to launch my visions and dreams. The vision of a safe house/rehab center for street kids and survivors of child trafficking/prostitution is still my dream. to have a team of therapists that work with the children...write the children's stories in a book for them not be forgotten...for societies to know of the pain that exists within this world. and a new dimension of thought has recently invaded my thinking. To not only have these kids be counseled and worked with in their skills and giftings so that they are prepared for life and supporting themselves...but to work alongside local churches and have church families adopt these kids...still being provided with family and individual counseling. I believe it is the job of the church to look after orphans....and we are failing at this. I want to replicate this idea in several countries: (at the moment i'm thinking about): Brazil, Thailand, Nepal, Phillipines, Cambodia, Africa (west and south)....and New York:)
So....there it is!!! hahah...the low down of my current stage of following God, and my future ideas that we are working up together. It's an exciting adventure...this God life...and i ask again, for you to be apart and to partner with me however you can. Thank you over n over again for all of the support many of you have blessed me with throughout my life and time here in LA. God has used you in such huge ways!!!!!!!
Love n blessings.
Monday, August 23, 2010
the conduit urgency
We are called to be conduits of grace.
It is of great urgency that we embrace this grace in a manner that confidently receives and accepts the fullness of grace that we've been given alongside the glory that we are called to live INTO. Our thoughts, beliefs...our every detail of how we live our lives should align with integrity, the glory that we claim and excitedly teach others about. I feel that so often i live below this line. I often live very selfishly in choosing to accept less than what i have gained, through Christ. I also live selfishly in the fact that...if i continue to stubbornly refuse God's full gift of renewal and identity, then i fail to be capable of fully transferring that same gift of grace to others. I don't choose full restoration, and half-filled restoration is not acceptable. It is not life lived abundantly.
There are hurting people that i long to counsel and tell of God's great restorative power, but they suffer when i get in ruts of faulty thinking. they suffer when i choose not to live what i so passionately believe is possible. the hope and faith of life abundant--total transformation. When we linger in a stagnant state of self-consumption---always focused on "my issues" or holding on to offenses stacked against us from life---we stay right were Satan wants us...below our potential---not influencing others with high velocity of truth and restoration for the advancement of the Kingdom.
We are to "Take captive every thought". Our thoughts have power. Power to remain living in our filth of our pasts...or the power to live in transformation. The greatest gift we have and the most powerful one is our choice. We have to first realize this choice. Get out of the fatalistic mindset that life happens to us...that we have no influence over anything or anyone...that our thoughts and feelings---that we don't matter. The fundamental truth is quite the opposite. We matter. We influence--either positively or negatively---either half-heartedly or with passion. We have the choice. That is the depth of God's great love and respect for us. May we choose to utilize this freedom to further God's grace...fanning the flames of his hope over people's lives...taking up our position in God's great army---the position that he has assigned to each and every one of us---to fight for life lived in abundance, both here and for eternity.
May we awaken from our sleep of self-pity and self-focus, and realize the urgency of living fully in our transformed selves. transforming not only our behaviors but also our hearts and our minds in order that we live with purpose! In order that we bring the brevity of Christ's grace to lengths of this world. May we start giving out the grace that we have been given with such great price.
Recognize your God-given passions and strengths and choose to respond with passion of a self fully embracing their true identity---fully giving out instead of keeping for yourself.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
True Living
and the testing continues. while we are still on this world, it will. we will continue to see pain...to feel agony...to walk amidst suffering. But the price does not come without reward. Hope is not some elusive concept that Christians have made up to get through hardship; it is real and tangible. Joy has been ever present with me this week even amidst the hardest times of questioning and heart-breaking tragedy.
One of my heros left this world this week to be introduced, face-to-face, with her Father and Savior. Not fair, right??! yeah, ima bit jealous of her. Kandice was 28 years young, but lived more passionately and intentionally then most i know...pursuing God daily with all that she was, she impacted more in her 28 years than most will in a long-lived lifetime. The things of this world were of fleeting and ill purpose to her...her hope and purpose were deeply rooted in what was truth. True Kingdom living. Integrity. Her faith matched up with the way she lived her life...there was no room for questioning or doubt...just a pure representation of realness, vulnerability, passionate pursuit of eternal life...of truly knowing her Father. And people responded. people often best respond to realness. People know when you are being fake...they can spot hypocrisy from far away; and reversely, they know genuine living. I believe it is the cry of this culture...to encounter truth, the real deal, to understand what hope really is.
I cannot say that i am not mourning her separation, because i am. I cannot say that i didn't ask God that "why" question, over n over many days during her battling. I cannot say that i have not cried so many tears that i have made myself sick on multiple occasions, thanks to my new found ability to feel and process! But...i CAN say that while i have had my questions i have also been shown grace...joy when i never thought it possible...peace during pain...the understanding that even tho i may ask why, i am able to come back to the who. For it is not the 'why' that keeps me stuck anymore...it is the 'who' that i am able to grasp and grab tight to. The Who it is that i serve...the Who it is that loves me...us...and Kandice more than anyone on this planet. Craziness, i know, but truth nonetheless. I know my God. i know his character. ok both of those i am still in the process of knowing and understanding, but i have enough...and strong enough foundation, now, that i am able to experience more of Who He is through the crappiness of this life. I cannnot even tell you how much he met with me this past week and revealed more to me during this time than i ever would have imagined could have come through the pain. The point is 2-fold: To constantly pursue God with so much intentionality that you are learning more about the WHO again n again....so that when your faith is tested (when)...you have the strength of knowledge and truth to overcome...to be strengthened as a result of the testing. my faith has been strengthened once again, and i now, even more than before, desire to continue serving and knowing my God.
The celebration of her life this weekend was amazing. amazingly hard and good. brilliantly beautiful! So many testimonies of the character of Kandice and how she unceasingly impacted lives for the glory of the Kingdom! She left a 15 page outline of how she wanted the service to look lol...why did this not surprise me?! It was anything but ordinary...just like her life. we worshipped our God and encouraged one another. Kandice's mama and daddy were such an inspiration to me...encouraging everyone else, encouraging me so immensly with her words. And i will carry on her passions...i will carry on her truth...i will continue to persevere and passionately live out Truth and Love while i am still living on this earth. i will continue to pursue the Christ that she so consistently represented to me. To my hero...I promise to live this life out fully and purposefully for the God and Savior that we both adore. Enjoy soaking in his radiant presence my sister. i cannot wait to see you again soon. what a jealous and loving God we serve.
Monday, July 19, 2010
"I am making ALL things new..."
"The testing of your faith develops perserverence. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:4
Oh the process!! I've been feelin that more than ever the last week or so. Testing from all sides...lies pressing in...tryna dent my faith foundation...tryna cloud truth. And this morning i felt the breakthru. This morning i felt God saying, okay...Kate, where are you? You are my beloved. You are my chosen. You are not alone in this...I am making ALL things new. I am such a feeler that if i'm not feeling God's presence, tangibly...I feel the testing take hold of my mind. I am learning the vital importance of perserverance and and holding strong to my faith despite seeing. It is seriously a battle of the mind. And while satan might have won a battle or two in my mind this past week...he has not come close to winning the war of my life. I am stronger from this week...from the testing...from the battling. Same tactics...different outcomes. He think he can play this game with me but im learnin the strategy...I have a teammate that never loses lol. and he knows that...the thing ive realized is that i have to know this too...i have to believe this with ALL that i am or i am leaving my mind open to a dangerous opponent. The mind is a powerful thing. Thank you, Jesus, for continuing to equip it...sharpening me and caring enough to mold n polish me daily.
God is making my mind new each day. A true renewing of identity...mental transformation...into more of his likeness and truths. Not a bad deal. And he desires to make ALL things new...even while we are still aliens on this sin-ridden earth. Even amidst the pain, suffering, trials, tempations...the barriers of this world...he delights in transformation and COMPLETE redemption. walking in pure and whole truth and joy---today---He wants to inhabit us to the very depths of our soul so that we are able to walk in his fullness while we are physically separated from him. We have COMPLETE access to him. Now. Thru his Spirit. He loves us that much! He has equipped us this much...let us wrap ourselves in this truth continually so that we may envelope his likeness to the highest potential and regain the territories of lies that surround us for God's glory. May we walk faithfully with Kingdom identity and mentality.
James 1:4
Oh the process!! I've been feelin that more than ever the last week or so. Testing from all sides...lies pressing in...tryna dent my faith foundation...tryna cloud truth. And this morning i felt the breakthru. This morning i felt God saying, okay...Kate, where are you? You are my beloved. You are my chosen. You are not alone in this...I am making ALL things new. I am such a feeler that if i'm not feeling God's presence, tangibly...I feel the testing take hold of my mind. I am learning the vital importance of perserverance and and holding strong to my faith despite seeing. It is seriously a battle of the mind. And while satan might have won a battle or two in my mind this past week...he has not come close to winning the war of my life. I am stronger from this week...from the testing...from the battling. Same tactics...different outcomes. He think he can play this game with me but im learnin the strategy...I have a teammate that never loses lol. and he knows that...the thing ive realized is that i have to know this too...i have to believe this with ALL that i am or i am leaving my mind open to a dangerous opponent. The mind is a powerful thing. Thank you, Jesus, for continuing to equip it...sharpening me and caring enough to mold n polish me daily.
God is making my mind new each day. A true renewing of identity...mental transformation...into more of his likeness and truths. Not a bad deal. And he desires to make ALL things new...even while we are still aliens on this sin-ridden earth. Even amidst the pain, suffering, trials, tempations...the barriers of this world...he delights in transformation and COMPLETE redemption. walking in pure and whole truth and joy---today---He wants to inhabit us to the very depths of our soul so that we are able to walk in his fullness while we are physically separated from him. We have COMPLETE access to him. Now. Thru his Spirit. He loves us that much! He has equipped us this much...let us wrap ourselves in this truth continually so that we may envelope his likeness to the highest potential and regain the territories of lies that surround us for God's glory. May we walk faithfully with Kingdom identity and mentality.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Forward Cost:
So...i had more to add on the thoughts of the last blog post, but i didn't wanna risk overloadage. this way you can read in parts lol.
But i was thinkin...on how the concept of sacrifice and cost apply to my life at the moment. And i'm sure there are multiple ways i can paint ya a picture on how these two concepts are shaping and stretching me, but i have a few specifics that i wanna expose, at the moment, that have been on my mind.
The cost of identity. The cost of choosing. The cost of sacrificing myself...my pride...my independency...aspects that i have held closely...more like in a vice-tight grip all of my life. Shaping the way i think...feel...perceive...believe...react...live. To get close up n personal witchu...the cost for me right now is shedding the painful layers of faulty thinking that i have collected as scar tissue over the years...those layers of my being that i have incorporated into my identity...its a painful process of sanctification and becoming Christ-like. You are basically dying...its a no wonder that it hurts. You cannot gain Christ without dying first to yourself. Its impossible...believe me...i've tried.
I had integrated all of these lies and faulty ways of thinking and believing into my very core of self. Sorry, God...you are having to do sum deep-rooted surgery at times! And i'ma be honest. It sucks letting go. Its not a giving up...its a giving over. Its a loss of control...its a loss of seeing...its a loss of self. But its the gain of life. life lived in abundance...in the true identity that Christ created for us. Everyday it is a choice...a fight...to live in truth. To discard lies and my long-held to ways of thinking and believing...and violently throwing them at the feet of my Savior because i choose not to accept them any longer. I CHOOSE to transform and continually baptize not only my my heart over to God...but also my head and how or what I think. Will i continue to entertain the devil? or will i embrace truth...my freely given, fought for, and costly identity and inheritance as a pure, smart, capable and REDEEMED daughter of the King? Sometimes i feel like i really don't have a choice...like there is no way i cannot not choose these truths because it is life or death for me. Do i want death? Or do i want life? Its really that dramatic...its that vital to realize what we are truly choosing. sometimes for me it is really that deliberate as well lol.
It is a choice to remain stuck...or to move forward...to grow. No matter how minute the steps forward are...as long as progress is seen, it is growth. it is the choice of life. And it is absolutely necessary to recognize the progress. This is when looking back highlights your progression forward and helps you recognize growth and the whole of the ever-constant process. Aren't processes fun?! lol. Sometimes it is essential for us to make the choice even when we "aren't feeling it"---i have found that it is key for me to deliberately walk and talk in the opposite direction when a lie is uncovered and recognized. Something so intricate about our brains in that speaking things out...whether it be a lie or a truth...it is made more real...it is then that much more embedded and attached to our identit and self-concept...and is that much more able to influence our consequent thinking, feeling, and behaving. straight up Cognitive-Behavioral business! It is urgent for us to embrace our God-given identities and inheritances. we will not impact this world to our highest potentials if we choose to live in mediocrity of lies and half-truths. Choose life.
But i was thinkin...on how the concept of sacrifice and cost apply to my life at the moment. And i'm sure there are multiple ways i can paint ya a picture on how these two concepts are shaping and stretching me, but i have a few specifics that i wanna expose, at the moment, that have been on my mind.
The cost of identity. The cost of choosing. The cost of sacrificing myself...my pride...my independency...aspects that i have held closely...more like in a vice-tight grip all of my life. Shaping the way i think...feel...perceive...believe...react...live. To get close up n personal witchu...the cost for me right now is shedding the painful layers of faulty thinking that i have collected as scar tissue over the years...those layers of my being that i have incorporated into my identity...its a painful process of sanctification and becoming Christ-like. You are basically dying...its a no wonder that it hurts. You cannot gain Christ without dying first to yourself. Its impossible...believe me...i've tried.
I had integrated all of these lies and faulty ways of thinking and believing into my very core of self. Sorry, God...you are having to do sum deep-rooted surgery at times! And i'ma be honest. It sucks letting go. Its not a giving up...its a giving over. Its a loss of control...its a loss of seeing...its a loss of self. But its the gain of life. life lived in abundance...in the true identity that Christ created for us. Everyday it is a choice...a fight...to live in truth. To discard lies and my long-held to ways of thinking and believing...and violently throwing them at the feet of my Savior because i choose not to accept them any longer. I CHOOSE to transform and continually baptize not only my my heart over to God...but also my head and how or what I think. Will i continue to entertain the devil? or will i embrace truth...my freely given, fought for, and costly identity and inheritance as a pure, smart, capable and REDEEMED daughter of the King? Sometimes i feel like i really don't have a choice...like there is no way i cannot not choose these truths because it is life or death for me. Do i want death? Or do i want life? Its really that dramatic...its that vital to realize what we are truly choosing. sometimes for me it is really that deliberate as well lol.
It is a choice to remain stuck...or to move forward...to grow. No matter how minute the steps forward are...as long as progress is seen, it is growth. it is the choice of life. And it is absolutely necessary to recognize the progress. This is when looking back highlights your progression forward and helps you recognize growth and the whole of the ever-constant process. Aren't processes fun?! lol. Sometimes it is essential for us to make the choice even when we "aren't feeling it"---i have found that it is key for me to deliberately walk and talk in the opposite direction when a lie is uncovered and recognized. Something so intricate about our brains in that speaking things out...whether it be a lie or a truth...it is made more real...it is then that much more embedded and attached to our identit and self-concept...and is that much more able to influence our consequent thinking, feeling, and behaving. straight up Cognitive-Behavioral business! It is urgent for us to embrace our God-given identities and inheritances. we will not impact this world to our highest potentials if we choose to live in mediocrity of lies and half-truths. Choose life.
Endurance of Choice
I listened to this sermon podcast the other day and it blew my mind yet again. So as to process my thoughts out and effectively apply the concepts heard into my living...i'ma download for ya.
The preacher's name is Kris Vallotton. The title of the sermon was Perserverence, Pain & Suffering. (you can download his podcasts for free on itunes): yeah...so not exactly a topic one would naturally gravitate towards choosing to listen to, but thats kinda the why as to what i wanna break down.
We, as Christians...maybe also with the addition of the American outlook...view the above 3 concepts as needing to be avoided. Thats completely how i thought for 20 plus years...and even now have difficulty breaking open the boxed up worldview of the need to avoid pain at all costs. self-preservation. Not feeling the bad. Not thinking the hard. Not going through the valleys...always living for the high...the miracle...the provision of our wants and perceived needs. the "right" answer to our prayers. This is gunna step on sum toes, i jus know it, lol...because it even causes my own self to cringe on writing out the words of truth. Its uncomfortable for me to write out because i know i'm not there...will i ever be??
But the truth is: We need to learn how to live and endure through the ordinary instead of constantly focusing only on the highs and miracles. We miss so much in the normality that life capitalizes on. We are seemingly at a loss for how to perservere and ENDURE pain...and with that...how to endure everyday life. Its a choice. it always is:) the word endure implies choice. Jesus did not enjoy the pain he had to experience on the cross...he chose to endure it. What if he hadn't of chosen to endure? Joy would elude us. Salvation would be null. Because the truth is this: If you do not choose to enter into and endure the pain, suffering and perserverence, you will also be choosing to throw away the best gifts of joy as a reward and result. we will actually miss walking into those places of miracles that we long for. we lock ourselves out, to not only the worst, but also the best. And we live in incomplacency within the normal routine of daily life. we become joyless and unable to endure normality. Its a choice to press in...to make decisions that will bring you to a stronger point for the next day. He gave the example of the task and hard work of splitting logs. the question was asked "How many times do i have to hit the log until it splits?"...the answer "As many times it takes until it splits". Simple truth. But you can train and equip---learn that the log splits when you hit it in the same spot consistently...not when you keep trying to hit it differently...in different spots. Its all about consistency. Our faith is not about seeking and praying FOR the breakthrough as much as it is seeking and praying for the sake of continually going back---continual relationship...prayer...growth. You never know how close you are to the actual breakthrough...but that isnt your focus...the focus is hitting it on the same spot, consistently.
And when that miracle is not seen...we become disillusioned; thinking that something is wrong...its when our expectations don't get met...we begin to think that maybe we are disqualified from God's miracles. We quit. We become disappointed in God...we question his character as a result of a situation gone wrong in our minds...we twist our perspective on his goodness...we drift away from intimacy with Him as a result. we lose that part of our faith that gives us hope. Its when you have to have pure faith---and hope against hope---when we can then...and only then...truly believe. Believe in the character of the God that we serve...belief...when we don't feel or think it---that foundation that we have as the protection against the coldness of this world's hopelessness and death. We stop expecting, we stop believing, we stop praying! when it doesn't go our way or we experience pain...we get hurt...we suffer....this is when we, for some reason, insist on changing something so that we don't have to revisit these feelings. how many times have we stopped praying...one prayer too soon...one more prayer and plea to our Father---and we may have moved his heart? How many times have we given up...on someone...on something...in order to preserve ourselves? Avoid suffering? It is not a sacrifice if it does not cost us something. we are called to sacrifice in this life of faith...for others...for the advancement of the Gospel...for the glory of our King. I think its time that we add the following words to our vocabulary, thinking, and life: Suffering. Sacrifice. Pain. Endurance. Perserverence. It hurts, right? Uncomfortable?...of course. Necessary? You tell me. Do you really want to see the miracles? Do you really want to see what faith, joy, satisfaction and comfort feel like? Do you want to experience these gifts in the middle of the race..the through the ordinary routine? Choose to enter into the struggle...choose true FAITH.
I will choose to fight. I will choose to wake up every morning and enter into the struggle of working this faith out...i will choose endurance even when i don't feel it. i will choose to feel even when it hurts or is uncomfortable...or will prove to cause me pain and suffering. i will choose because Christ chose. I will choose because i desire the more. Oh God, help me to CHOOSE YOU!!!!
Love you all. please continue to pray for me to choose these truths consistently and continue to pursue growth, despite the cost.
The preacher's name is Kris Vallotton. The title of the sermon was Perserverence, Pain & Suffering. (you can download his podcasts for free on itunes): yeah...so not exactly a topic one would naturally gravitate towards choosing to listen to, but thats kinda the why as to what i wanna break down.
We, as Christians...maybe also with the addition of the American outlook...view the above 3 concepts as needing to be avoided. Thats completely how i thought for 20 plus years...and even now have difficulty breaking open the boxed up worldview of the need to avoid pain at all costs. self-preservation. Not feeling the bad. Not thinking the hard. Not going through the valleys...always living for the high...the miracle...the provision of our wants and perceived needs. the "right" answer to our prayers. This is gunna step on sum toes, i jus know it, lol...because it even causes my own self to cringe on writing out the words of truth. Its uncomfortable for me to write out because i know i'm not there...will i ever be??
But the truth is: We need to learn how to live and endure through the ordinary instead of constantly focusing only on the highs and miracles. We miss so much in the normality that life capitalizes on. We are seemingly at a loss for how to perservere and ENDURE pain...and with that...how to endure everyday life. Its a choice. it always is:) the word endure implies choice. Jesus did not enjoy the pain he had to experience on the cross...he chose to endure it. What if he hadn't of chosen to endure? Joy would elude us. Salvation would be null. Because the truth is this: If you do not choose to enter into and endure the pain, suffering and perserverence, you will also be choosing to throw away the best gifts of joy as a reward and result. we will actually miss walking into those places of miracles that we long for. we lock ourselves out, to not only the worst, but also the best. And we live in incomplacency within the normal routine of daily life. we become joyless and unable to endure normality. Its a choice to press in...to make decisions that will bring you to a stronger point for the next day. He gave the example of the task and hard work of splitting logs. the question was asked "How many times do i have to hit the log until it splits?"...the answer "As many times it takes until it splits". Simple truth. But you can train and equip---learn that the log splits when you hit it in the same spot consistently...not when you keep trying to hit it differently...in different spots. Its all about consistency. Our faith is not about seeking and praying FOR the breakthrough as much as it is seeking and praying for the sake of continually going back---continual relationship...prayer...growth. You never know how close you are to the actual breakthrough...but that isnt your focus...the focus is hitting it on the same spot, consistently.
And when that miracle is not seen...we become disillusioned; thinking that something is wrong...its when our expectations don't get met...we begin to think that maybe we are disqualified from God's miracles. We quit. We become disappointed in God...we question his character as a result of a situation gone wrong in our minds...we twist our perspective on his goodness...we drift away from intimacy with Him as a result. we lose that part of our faith that gives us hope. Its when you have to have pure faith---and hope against hope---when we can then...and only then...truly believe. Believe in the character of the God that we serve...belief...when we don't feel or think it---that foundation that we have as the protection against the coldness of this world's hopelessness and death. We stop expecting, we stop believing, we stop praying! when it doesn't go our way or we experience pain...we get hurt...we suffer....this is when we, for some reason, insist on changing something so that we don't have to revisit these feelings. how many times have we stopped praying...one prayer too soon...one more prayer and plea to our Father---and we may have moved his heart? How many times have we given up...on someone...on something...in order to preserve ourselves? Avoid suffering? It is not a sacrifice if it does not cost us something. we are called to sacrifice in this life of faith...for others...for the advancement of the Gospel...for the glory of our King. I think its time that we add the following words to our vocabulary, thinking, and life: Suffering. Sacrifice. Pain. Endurance. Perserverence. It hurts, right? Uncomfortable?...of course. Necessary? You tell me. Do you really want to see the miracles? Do you really want to see what faith, joy, satisfaction and comfort feel like? Do you want to experience these gifts in the middle of the race..the through the ordinary routine? Choose to enter into the struggle...choose true FAITH.
I will choose to fight. I will choose to wake up every morning and enter into the struggle of working this faith out...i will choose endurance even when i don't feel it. i will choose to feel even when it hurts or is uncomfortable...or will prove to cause me pain and suffering. i will choose because Christ chose. I will choose because i desire the more. Oh God, help me to CHOOSE YOU!!!!
Love you all. please continue to pray for me to choose these truths consistently and continue to pursue growth, despite the cost.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Exposing Christianity
The end of 3 months within the School Of Ministry Development has ended and a new season has begun, within the position of staffing the program of Mission Adventures, for the summer. We are in our first week with kids from a youth group located in Mesa, Arizona. We are way BUSIFIED. Yes...thats a new word, apply it into your vocabulary today:) Note to self: I love people...especially young people. Moldable minds...hungry and searching for identity and their place in this world. I think i'm gunna like this discipleship role. So thats this summer...hosting a new team of youth groups each week...taking them all over LA, checking out the city...street n BEACH evangelism...helping out in local ministries...teaching the kids about their strengths, about God, about their inheritance and destinies available to them through their relationship with God. It's pretty tight business! After this week...we have 4 more weeks left. Then I have a couple weeks down time before starting to staff the Fall School Of Ministry Development, with an amazing and uniquely dynamic team of staff. I CAN'T WAITTTTTTTT!!
So thats a low-down of whats been up the last several weeks. For MA training we visited this organization called PATH the other week. Its a comprehensive homeless shelter. We got talking to a guy that lives there about Christianity. He actually brought it up and had some pretty intense opinions of us...thus leading me to the need to process out sum thoughts on the topic:)
Christianity. We hear this word, religion, classification...thrown around alot in the States, right? But what does it really categorize to the rest of the world? In my opinion, I think the term has been incredibly tainted, and the image it bears is not a quality representation of what i take it to hold. I almost hesitate in labeling myself a Christian, as i have come to realize that what the world sees in the meaning is not at all what i want attached to my identity. So...my favorite part...the root causes:) And to be straight up with you, i think alot of the responsibility in this negative association lies in the hands of Christ-Followers, themselves. We have ALLOWED Christianity to be slandered, mistreated, misrepresented...as we sit on our sofas---perhaps disagreeing---but doing nothing to contradict or challenge. We are not playing this game right! We are on the defense without any offensive strategy or application. I feel like lines are being drawn left and right, but so many self-deamed "Christians" are satisfied with sitting out. Our complacency will soon overtake us. We CANNOT sit idoly by why the "world" defines us...while the WORLD participates---while the world is the only one debating with thier lives. We MUST live our faith out. We must give a rebuttle to the worldly-minded through the activity of our lives. Because faith without action is pointless. We are called to defend the Gospel by walking it out---Everyday my sisters n brothers---everyday we wake we must choose to enter into the struggle---to fight the war that is being waged in our very midst. Souls are at stake! We MUST care what people think of us, for it is by our lives that God is represented---whether in a positive or negative way, whether we like that fact or not. His very essence---the sanctity of His very name is worn on our hearts and displayed to the world by how we live this life out. Are we representing His heart well?? Do we really know him well enough to rep it out correctly---humbly---with integrity, fervency, and boldness? Are we giving all of our heart and mind to God or are we taking all that we can from him without giving any or just parts of us in return? Just some questions that have been rolling around in my mind lately! No big deal lol.
Lets put a new spin on this definition of Christianity. Lets step up and redefine and redeem the meaning and purpose of our faith, so that God is seen for all who he truly is...no room for doubts or condemnation. For if we are rightly walking in the footsteps of our Savior, there will be no open door for slander or a misinformed society.
Prayer Points:
*Staying focused on the ultimate goal of Christ-likeness and knowing God---during this season
*Perserverance and diligence through mundane tasks
-I thrive on relationships over tasks---and the way MA is set up this year is that the staff is split into 2 teams. one team is with the kids during the week and the other team is doing work tasks---mainly in the kitchen all day.
*Trusting God with all things---finances---family---Trust in general:)
*Sleep! I'm having trouble turning my mind off at night---no sleep plus work all day equals exhaustion.
Thanks to all of you!!! much love.
So thats a low-down of whats been up the last several weeks. For MA training we visited this organization called PATH the other week. Its a comprehensive homeless shelter. We got talking to a guy that lives there about Christianity. He actually brought it up and had some pretty intense opinions of us...thus leading me to the need to process out sum thoughts on the topic:)
Christianity. We hear this word, religion, classification...thrown around alot in the States, right? But what does it really categorize to the rest of the world? In my opinion, I think the term has been incredibly tainted, and the image it bears is not a quality representation of what i take it to hold. I almost hesitate in labeling myself a Christian, as i have come to realize that what the world sees in the meaning is not at all what i want attached to my identity. So...my favorite part...the root causes:) And to be straight up with you, i think alot of the responsibility in this negative association lies in the hands of Christ-Followers, themselves. We have ALLOWED Christianity to be slandered, mistreated, misrepresented...as we sit on our sofas---perhaps disagreeing---but doing nothing to contradict or challenge. We are not playing this game right! We are on the defense without any offensive strategy or application. I feel like lines are being drawn left and right, but so many self-deamed "Christians" are satisfied with sitting out. Our complacency will soon overtake us. We CANNOT sit idoly by why the "world" defines us...while the WORLD participates---while the world is the only one debating with thier lives. We MUST live our faith out. We must give a rebuttle to the worldly-minded through the activity of our lives. Because faith without action is pointless. We are called to defend the Gospel by walking it out---Everyday my sisters n brothers---everyday we wake we must choose to enter into the struggle---to fight the war that is being waged in our very midst. Souls are at stake! We MUST care what people think of us, for it is by our lives that God is represented---whether in a positive or negative way, whether we like that fact or not. His very essence---the sanctity of His very name is worn on our hearts and displayed to the world by how we live this life out. Are we representing His heart well?? Do we really know him well enough to rep it out correctly---humbly---with integrity, fervency, and boldness? Are we giving all of our heart and mind to God or are we taking all that we can from him without giving any or just parts of us in return? Just some questions that have been rolling around in my mind lately! No big deal lol.
Lets put a new spin on this definition of Christianity. Lets step up and redefine and redeem the meaning and purpose of our faith, so that God is seen for all who he truly is...no room for doubts or condemnation. For if we are rightly walking in the footsteps of our Savior, there will be no open door for slander or a misinformed society.
Prayer Points:
*Staying focused on the ultimate goal of Christ-likeness and knowing God---during this season
*Perserverance and diligence through mundane tasks
-I thrive on relationships over tasks---and the way MA is set up this year is that the staff is split into 2 teams. one team is with the kids during the week and the other team is doing work tasks---mainly in the kitchen all day.
*Trusting God with all things---finances---family---Trust in general:)
*Sleep! I'm having trouble turning my mind off at night---no sleep plus work all day equals exhaustion.
Thanks to all of you!!! much love.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Hi!!!! alright, ima get down to business n letchu in on sum recent decisions that God has me traveling through.
I'm so glad that God is in control of my life and has it all planned out before I do...and that i don't necessarily know it all in advance because i would be a bit discouraged at the PROCESS of life---guess what...its not all bout the destination of your goals lol. Each step leads me closer to achieving those goals but more importantly...closer to my ultimate Love and Father.
I wasn't planning on doing this School Of Ministry Development lol...i was planning in my head to go straight to Brazil. God has me in Brazil, he's laid this country and people strongly on my heart, but during this school he has added a few countries to my heart: Nepal, Thailand, Philipines...(ok yeah, I'll just say it, i definitely had to look up on a map where these countries were! But there are a ton of maps around a YWAM campus lol). In saying this, i am thinking that God doesn't have just one country in my future...but a few? I've also been wondering about New York City. Its just interesting that God can take my vision of Brazil and turn my dreams into HIS...He takes my passions and uses them for HIS purposes. I'm so thankful for this, because i've learned that anything i try to do on my own---without the equipping of the Holy Spirit---is worthless.
So, in continuing what it was that i was not planning on doing...i continue with what GOD has planned for me lol. And that is where this summer and fall---actually the next two years---play into the mix. I had been asking God for months to reveal his best for me and my future, and last Tuesday he cleary laid his will on my heart. He asked me if i would be willing to staff the same school that i am currently in, for the Fall. Before Tuesday i would have definitely frowned on that request because i was ancy to go....somewhere....i don't like to stay in one place for too long, no matter how awesome it is! But God seriously met my fears with joy and peace for this task of discipling others. God has been laying this message of our need to disciple others on my heart from the start of the school. The fact Jesus' last exhortation to his people was to go and make disciples...it must be pretty big stuff. So this divine proposal was downloaded on Tuesday and so i was just praying into it all day and on Wednesday i was asked by one of my leaders to join her Fall SOMD staff. She was like...pray into it and come back and let me know lol...i told her i already had and accepted the offer because i know it is a God assignment.
SO...going on staff with YWAM requires a 2-year commitment. But my leaders are planning to bring this school to Brazil in March, lol...and I am included in those plans! Wait...did someone say Brazil?! haha...School Of Ministry Development with the youth of Brazil...discipling the nations...i'm in:) I will get to bring in my counseling background to these schools and use my gifts in this area with the students. The first Discipleship Training School that i did last fall will be going on at the same time as the SOMD here in LA, and i am looking into working with the Justice Track that i was apart of during my DTS...bringing in crisis counseling teaching and continuing to work with the issue of human trafficking. As a staff member for the SOMD school this Fall, i will be running small groups, meeting 1-on-1 with students, working with staff to continually improve how we run things, and contributing my counseling knowledge to staff n students.
So thats the Fall...plus lol. And for the Summer...I am going on staff for a program named Mission Adventures. It is a 2 month program in which youth come to the base in order to learn more about Jesus and Missions. My role will be to partner with our existing Urban Team in helping to lead and facilitate these youth in their missions work throughout the city of Los Angeles...as well as disciple them on the base. Every week will be a new team of youth and i will be living in the trailers (dorms) with the kids, leading small groups, influencing them in good ways:) basically more discipleship.
The current school that i am in ends on the 18th of June. Misson Adventures (MA) starts shortly after and ends mid August. Then the Fall SOMD that i will be staffing starts September...18/19? Thats the best i can do with dates right now:) So, even though i did not exactly plan for these things, i am so excited for them because i know that if i am in God's will then i am in the best place! And the team i will be working alongside during both MA and SOMD is amazingly awesome. We all have great gifts and unique talents and personalities that will be great to work with. This place has become my home and i love these people. Some of why i felt my own fears and anciness effecting me---i have this fear and anxiety that comes when i start to feel attached to a place or people. But interdependence is Godly and Kingdom Living...and my independent dependency on myself is getting worked on.
So thats the plan! I feel like i've written "so" alot of times lol. anyways...hopefully this all makes some sense and do know that my visions for Brazil...Nepal...Thailand (street kids and child prostitution/human trafficking) is also heavy on God's heart and i know he is preparing the way for me to work in these countries and areas. Please be patient with me! I guess i just need extra preparation. I had to get rid of stubborn and major cracks in my foundation---actually i kinda just bulldozed it and started over---because ya'll know i don't do things half-hearted:) So its taking some time...but i'm becoming more n more cool with the process of living. To all of you who have supported me through encouragement, prayers, calls, emails, money....any n every which way...you don't know how much i appreciate you!!! If you want to continue to financially support me in these new upcoming adventures i would welcome it:) Going on staff with YWAM doesn't mean we now get paid haha...so i still need to support raise. But to tell you the truth...it is an exercise of faith for me and i love seeing my Daddy provide for me in these ways...its cool:) Its cheaper tho! Staff fees are $250 per month. This includes housing/food. I have developed a budget that looks something like $500/mo (phone/loans). If you are interested or feel so led to participate in these plans with me i would love to develop a list of monthly support/(ers). I have the spreadsheet ready to tract everything! haha...i'm getting better with the details. Please contact me. email or cell: 317.332.4764. Questions are welcome. Love you all,
I'm so glad that God is in control of my life and has it all planned out before I do...and that i don't necessarily know it all in advance because i would be a bit discouraged at the PROCESS of life---guess what...its not all bout the destination of your goals lol. Each step leads me closer to achieving those goals but more importantly...closer to my ultimate Love and Father.
I wasn't planning on doing this School Of Ministry Development lol...i was planning in my head to go straight to Brazil. God has me in Brazil, he's laid this country and people strongly on my heart, but during this school he has added a few countries to my heart: Nepal, Thailand, Philipines...(ok yeah, I'll just say it, i definitely had to look up on a map where these countries were! But there are a ton of maps around a YWAM campus lol). In saying this, i am thinking that God doesn't have just one country in my future...but a few? I've also been wondering about New York City. Its just interesting that God can take my vision of Brazil and turn my dreams into HIS...He takes my passions and uses them for HIS purposes. I'm so thankful for this, because i've learned that anything i try to do on my own---without the equipping of the Holy Spirit---is worthless.
So, in continuing what it was that i was not planning on doing...i continue with what GOD has planned for me lol. And that is where this summer and fall---actually the next two years---play into the mix. I had been asking God for months to reveal his best for me and my future, and last Tuesday he cleary laid his will on my heart. He asked me if i would be willing to staff the same school that i am currently in, for the Fall. Before Tuesday i would have definitely frowned on that request because i was ancy to go....somewhere....i don't like to stay in one place for too long, no matter how awesome it is! But God seriously met my fears with joy and peace for this task of discipling others. God has been laying this message of our need to disciple others on my heart from the start of the school. The fact Jesus' last exhortation to his people was to go and make disciples...it must be pretty big stuff. So this divine proposal was downloaded on Tuesday and so i was just praying into it all day and on Wednesday i was asked by one of my leaders to join her Fall SOMD staff. She was like...pray into it and come back and let me know lol...i told her i already had and accepted the offer because i know it is a God assignment.
SO...going on staff with YWAM requires a 2-year commitment. But my leaders are planning to bring this school to Brazil in March, lol...and I am included in those plans! Wait...did someone say Brazil?! haha...School Of Ministry Development with the youth of Brazil...discipling the nations...i'm in:) I will get to bring in my counseling background to these schools and use my gifts in this area with the students. The first Discipleship Training School that i did last fall will be going on at the same time as the SOMD here in LA, and i am looking into working with the Justice Track that i was apart of during my DTS...bringing in crisis counseling teaching and continuing to work with the issue of human trafficking. As a staff member for the SOMD school this Fall, i will be running small groups, meeting 1-on-1 with students, working with staff to continually improve how we run things, and contributing my counseling knowledge to staff n students.
So thats the Fall...plus lol. And for the Summer...I am going on staff for a program named Mission Adventures. It is a 2 month program in which youth come to the base in order to learn more about Jesus and Missions. My role will be to partner with our existing Urban Team in helping to lead and facilitate these youth in their missions work throughout the city of Los Angeles...as well as disciple them on the base. Every week will be a new team of youth and i will be living in the trailers (dorms) with the kids, leading small groups, influencing them in good ways:) basically more discipleship.
The current school that i am in ends on the 18th of June. Misson Adventures (MA) starts shortly after and ends mid August. Then the Fall SOMD that i will be staffing starts September...18/19? Thats the best i can do with dates right now:) So, even though i did not exactly plan for these things, i am so excited for them because i know that if i am in God's will then i am in the best place! And the team i will be working alongside during both MA and SOMD is amazingly awesome. We all have great gifts and unique talents and personalities that will be great to work with. This place has become my home and i love these people. Some of why i felt my own fears and anciness effecting me---i have this fear and anxiety that comes when i start to feel attached to a place or people. But interdependence is Godly and Kingdom Living...and my independent dependency on myself is getting worked on.
So thats the plan! I feel like i've written "so" alot of times lol. anyways...hopefully this all makes some sense and do know that my visions for Brazil...Nepal...Thailand (street kids and child prostitution/human trafficking) is also heavy on God's heart and i know he is preparing the way for me to work in these countries and areas. Please be patient with me! I guess i just need extra preparation. I had to get rid of stubborn and major cracks in my foundation---actually i kinda just bulldozed it and started over---because ya'll know i don't do things half-hearted:) So its taking some time...but i'm becoming more n more cool with the process of living. To all of you who have supported me through encouragement, prayers, calls, emails, money....any n every which way...you don't know how much i appreciate you!!! If you want to continue to financially support me in these new upcoming adventures i would welcome it:) Going on staff with YWAM doesn't mean we now get paid haha...so i still need to support raise. But to tell you the truth...it is an exercise of faith for me and i love seeing my Daddy provide for me in these ways...its cool:) Its cheaper tho! Staff fees are $250 per month. This includes housing/food. I have developed a budget that looks something like $500/mo (phone/loans). If you are interested or feel so led to participate in these plans with me i would love to develop a list of monthly support/(ers). I have the spreadsheet ready to tract everything! haha...i'm getting better with the details. Please contact me. email or cell: 317.332.4764. Questions are welcome. Love you all,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Born Again...AGAIN.
So this is whats currently rollin around in my mind:)....
Technically, the United States among other nations would be considered a "Christian" country, meaning that, if you took a poll of what people would characterize their identified religion as, the majority would term themselves "Christian". Interesting, to say the least, when you look around at the depravity of morality and values that shape our families, churches, communities, and consequently...our entire nation. Christianity has become the popular religion that stands merely as a title throughout many lives, falling short of characterizing a Christ-like generation or country. And to tell you the truth, as i see it, i believe that the church is responsible for this epidemic. I'm just sayin...how many churches line the streets, left n right? Freedom of speech and action have gone off the deep end in so many ways, but has the church really stepped up and out into their surrounding communities to speak and show The Kingdom in boldness and strength? We are trying to fight a spiritual battle as individuals, instead of uniting the army of the church into action.
It comes down to this: transformation of not only our hearts, but also our minds. Being born again in our hearts and then born again AGAIN...in the total conversion within our minds. Letting truth reign over the lies that have shaped our thinking...whether cultural, theological religiousity, or through any other source of our upbringing. It is impossible to even be aware of lies that we live into without taking a moment to think critically how our beliefs and values have shaped our lives and how we consequently are aligning ourselves with what Jesus spells out for us in his Word.
We have been given the power to co-create with the Most High God. to speak and shape culture into representations of more of what God's Kingdom looks like. We as God's people are to stand against the evil that surrounds us, that being, natural evil, institutional evil, and moral evil. When societies are build on morality...just nations will develop. It is not the resource of money that many countries, such as Haiti, are lacking, it is moral values. Poverty is not a result of lack of income more than it is a result of deceitful greed within the corruption of government. And our task as Christians, within the Great Commission, is not to "evangelize and save the lost"; it is clearly stated that we are to make DISCIPLES of ALL NATIONS. Our task. To bring heaven to earth. Not to merely survive...but to live and help others live abundantly. It is a transformation of our minds that needs to occur here...a conversion that is not only limited to a one-time heart decision.
We, as representatives of Christ, are to bring Christ and his kingdom into every aspect of living. into the spheres of government, education, communities. Bringing Christ into every area of not only our own thinking...but the minds of those that we DISCIPLE. This is the only way to true freedom. The church is not telling the whole story. we must tell the whole breadth and depth of God's story. "They kingdom come, They will be done...on earth as it is in heaven". "If the church does not disciple the nation, the nation will disciple the church"--And..."If the church is not intentionally bringing the entire biblical story to people and nations, then the prominent view of the culture (the culture's worldview) will influence and shape the church"---Darrow Miller (our speaker this last week). What parts of the transformational story of Truth does your society need to hear? Where is history going...and how will you influence it??!
James states it well in the remix version of The Message, "In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Words, making a salvation-garden of your life". ----of your life----Im pretty sure this is referring to all aspects of your life, not just a prayer you might have said in order to receive salvation. We are to live the kingdom out. Not just in speech, but in the inegrity of a complementary life of action. The Kingdom of God is anywhere God's will is done--where Christ the King rules.
How will we empower our churches to better shape families, socities, nations?? Our complacency is dangerous and will better serve to assist the Enemy in his agenda rather than furthering God's Kingdom. Start with the transformation of your own mind. move into the transformation of others through discipleship...in combination, we will transform the church...acting out what the church should look like outside of the building. We are falling short in bringing justice...love...God to people and nations. It is time to baptize our minds and shape the army of God!
Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and discipleship in my life. We just got back from staying a week in Tijuana, Mexico---learning about this biblical worldview stuff...taking a couple dips in the ocean...and getting to participate in a prayer walk around the worst (legal) prostitution area in Tijuana. young girls lining the streets, barely clothed, and strung out on drugs in order to get through their job. white men leading girls to hotels. people shooting up drugs in the open street. in short...sheer depravity. The Kingdom definitely needs to be brought here. we also helped in handing out soup to the homeless within a park that many use to bring their small children to to sell to the highest or maybe not...maybe for whatever price they can get. But God's hope is being carried into this city through the YWAMer's from the Tijuana base and it was breathtaking to see unfold. Lately (within my time here with YWAM) I have felt this intense urgency to truly transform my own heart and mind into that which is the best continual working out of my faith and representation of truth of Christ. This is what I will carry into the world. Please pray that i continue to open all areas of my heart to Christ so that he can touch them and renew me into a better image of wholeness as he created us to be.
Technically, the United States among other nations would be considered a "Christian" country, meaning that, if you took a poll of what people would characterize their identified religion as, the majority would term themselves "Christian". Interesting, to say the least, when you look around at the depravity of morality and values that shape our families, churches, communities, and consequently...our entire nation. Christianity has become the popular religion that stands merely as a title throughout many lives, falling short of characterizing a Christ-like generation or country. And to tell you the truth, as i see it, i believe that the church is responsible for this epidemic. I'm just sayin...how many churches line the streets, left n right? Freedom of speech and action have gone off the deep end in so many ways, but has the church really stepped up and out into their surrounding communities to speak and show The Kingdom in boldness and strength? We are trying to fight a spiritual battle as individuals, instead of uniting the army of the church into action.
It comes down to this: transformation of not only our hearts, but also our minds. Being born again in our hearts and then born again AGAIN...in the total conversion within our minds. Letting truth reign over the lies that have shaped our thinking...whether cultural, theological religiousity, or through any other source of our upbringing. It is impossible to even be aware of lies that we live into without taking a moment to think critically how our beliefs and values have shaped our lives and how we consequently are aligning ourselves with what Jesus spells out for us in his Word.
We have been given the power to co-create with the Most High God. to speak and shape culture into representations of more of what God's Kingdom looks like. We as God's people are to stand against the evil that surrounds us, that being, natural evil, institutional evil, and moral evil. When societies are build on morality...just nations will develop. It is not the resource of money that many countries, such as Haiti, are lacking, it is moral values. Poverty is not a result of lack of income more than it is a result of deceitful greed within the corruption of government. And our task as Christians, within the Great Commission, is not to "evangelize and save the lost"; it is clearly stated that we are to make DISCIPLES of ALL NATIONS. Our task. To bring heaven to earth. Not to merely survive...but to live and help others live abundantly. It is a transformation of our minds that needs to occur here...a conversion that is not only limited to a one-time heart decision.
We, as representatives of Christ, are to bring Christ and his kingdom into every aspect of living. into the spheres of government, education, communities. Bringing Christ into every area of not only our own thinking...but the minds of those that we DISCIPLE. This is the only way to true freedom. The church is not telling the whole story. we must tell the whole breadth and depth of God's story. "They kingdom come, They will be done...on earth as it is in heaven". "If the church does not disciple the nation, the nation will disciple the church"--And..."If the church is not intentionally bringing the entire biblical story to people and nations, then the prominent view of the culture (the culture's worldview) will influence and shape the church"---Darrow Miller (our speaker this last week). What parts of the transformational story of Truth does your society need to hear? Where is history going...and how will you influence it??!
James states it well in the remix version of The Message, "In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Words, making a salvation-garden of your life". ----of your life----Im pretty sure this is referring to all aspects of your life, not just a prayer you might have said in order to receive salvation. We are to live the kingdom out. Not just in speech, but in the inegrity of a complementary life of action. The Kingdom of God is anywhere God's will is done--where Christ the King rules.
How will we empower our churches to better shape families, socities, nations?? Our complacency is dangerous and will better serve to assist the Enemy in his agenda rather than furthering God's Kingdom. Start with the transformation of your own mind. move into the transformation of others through discipleship...in combination, we will transform the church...acting out what the church should look like outside of the building. We are falling short in bringing justice...love...God to people and nations. It is time to baptize our minds and shape the army of God!
Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and discipleship in my life. We just got back from staying a week in Tijuana, Mexico---learning about this biblical worldview stuff...taking a couple dips in the ocean...and getting to participate in a prayer walk around the worst (legal) prostitution area in Tijuana. young girls lining the streets, barely clothed, and strung out on drugs in order to get through their job. white men leading girls to hotels. people shooting up drugs in the open street. in short...sheer depravity. The Kingdom definitely needs to be brought here. we also helped in handing out soup to the homeless within a park that many use to bring their small children to to sell to the highest or maybe not...maybe for whatever price they can get. But God's hope is being carried into this city through the YWAMer's from the Tijuana base and it was breathtaking to see unfold. Lately (within my time here with YWAM) I have felt this intense urgency to truly transform my own heart and mind into that which is the best continual working out of my faith and representation of truth of Christ. This is what I will carry into the world. Please pray that i continue to open all areas of my heart to Christ so that he can touch them and renew me into a better image of wholeness as he created us to be.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Cost of Faith
Round two:) Sorry but i gotta get sum of these thoughts outta my head because too much information is coming in and i gotta filter sum out to make room lol.
So...here we go...Here are sum of what has been going on in my life the past couple weeks...
Finances. Money. Loans. AHHH!! Just hearing and actually just writing out those words causes major panicking within my head and the kind of anxiousness that you would feel right before taking an important final exam. there is so much negativity attached to these words for me. On wednesdays we have a faith n finances optional fasting of lunch. well...for me it automatically becomes breakfast and lunch lol. anyways...I was deferring loans 2 wednesdays ago...and was going to go into the prayer and fasting group time, but was freaking out from discussing the word money with loan people, so i decided to breathe and take sum time alone with my Daddy. I was thinking...dang, why the heck am i here in LA...learning how to best put my ministry visions into play...if i have no chance at making it a reality?
The way i was seeing it was that my student loan debt was standing in the way from what the Lord is calling me to. Tangibly it is in the way...but then again...is it really in God's way?? Is anything really bigger than God?! Is anything really an unmovable obstacle for Him?? As i was walking and praying out aloud (people passing by prolly thot i was psychotic) lol...He hit me with these words: "What is it really going to cost you to have true faith?" And my sudden realization: It will cost me nothing...in terms of wordly money...it will cost me everything in terms of laying down my freaking fear.
This is what i have to give up: The embedded lie that my life is not of real value and worth to the 'mission field'; that i have not earned the gift of grace and lavishing of the fulfillment of my dreams; that i'm not good enough to pursue the passions that God has laid so heavily on my heart; i have to lay down the thought (lie) that God will not provide for me in this way; that He has better people to choose and to invest in....that He is not more powerful than debt. I realized that i had to choose...yes, once again...God is urging me to choose. To choose Him over Me. The reality of WHO He is....and the reality of the lies that i so easily hold on to and let myself get held back by.
This enlightening of his power and love for me is surprisingly overwhelming for me...it means i have responsibility to act of truth. to pick my feet up out of this sludge...and continue to pursue...with ALL OUT FAITH...that which God has laid before me, and how he has laid out each step for me. I am not in control!! haha...ahh...its so scarey...why? I suck at life when i try n take control...why is it so frightening to give it up? Oh God...help me!! Help me to give this life up as yours. ALL of me...not just a part. You are not just Lord over my Sundays or worship times...you are Lord over every freaking area of my life. Take it. Continue to help me walk this out...my Daddy...my Provider.
oh...forgot to mention: the week following this revelation was entitled "Faith & Finances" during lecture LOL. Does God have a sense of humor or what??!
Sorry...for all you practical and realistic thinkers:)....yeah this means simply that i am learning to have trust and this kind of radical faith in every part---meaning even in my finances part---of my life. SO...right now i am not totally sure of the next steps...of HOW God will choose to provide for me...but i'm thinkin its gunna be pretty radical:) cuz thats my life. and thats my God that i serve. haha...He blows my mind. So i will continue to pursue HIM....and He will direct my steps. This may mean pursuing Him...pleasing him over people...i don't know. it usually does!
Pray for me, PLEASE. particularly for direction; boldness of faith and pursuit; walking out his will at whatever the particular cost; and strength in obedience.
Thank you. I could not live this life without the encouragement, and truth in love/guidance that i receive from so many!!!
So...here we go...Here are sum of what has been going on in my life the past couple weeks...
Finances. Money. Loans. AHHH!! Just hearing and actually just writing out those words causes major panicking within my head and the kind of anxiousness that you would feel right before taking an important final exam. there is so much negativity attached to these words for me. On wednesdays we have a faith n finances optional fasting of lunch. well...for me it automatically becomes breakfast and lunch lol. anyways...I was deferring loans 2 wednesdays ago...and was going to go into the prayer and fasting group time, but was freaking out from discussing the word money with loan people, so i decided to breathe and take sum time alone with my Daddy. I was thinking...dang, why the heck am i here in LA...learning how to best put my ministry visions into play...if i have no chance at making it a reality?
The way i was seeing it was that my student loan debt was standing in the way from what the Lord is calling me to. Tangibly it is in the way...but then again...is it really in God's way?? Is anything really bigger than God?! Is anything really an unmovable obstacle for Him?? As i was walking and praying out aloud (people passing by prolly thot i was psychotic) lol...He hit me with these words: "What is it really going to cost you to have true faith?" And my sudden realization: It will cost me nothing...in terms of wordly money...it will cost me everything in terms of laying down my freaking fear.
This is what i have to give up: The embedded lie that my life is not of real value and worth to the 'mission field'; that i have not earned the gift of grace and lavishing of the fulfillment of my dreams; that i'm not good enough to pursue the passions that God has laid so heavily on my heart; i have to lay down the thought (lie) that God will not provide for me in this way; that He has better people to choose and to invest in....that He is not more powerful than debt. I realized that i had to choose...yes, once again...God is urging me to choose. To choose Him over Me. The reality of WHO He is....and the reality of the lies that i so easily hold on to and let myself get held back by.
This enlightening of his power and love for me is surprisingly overwhelming for me...it means i have responsibility to act of truth. to pick my feet up out of this sludge...and continue to pursue...with ALL OUT FAITH...that which God has laid before me, and how he has laid out each step for me. I am not in control!! haha...ahh...its so scarey...why? I suck at life when i try n take control...why is it so frightening to give it up? Oh God...help me!! Help me to give this life up as yours. ALL of me...not just a part. You are not just Lord over my Sundays or worship times...you are Lord over every freaking area of my life. Take it. Continue to help me walk this out...my Daddy...my Provider.
oh...forgot to mention: the week following this revelation was entitled "Faith & Finances" during lecture LOL. Does God have a sense of humor or what??!
Sorry...for all you practical and realistic thinkers:)....yeah this means simply that i am learning to have trust and this kind of radical faith in every part---meaning even in my finances part---of my life. SO...right now i am not totally sure of the next steps...of HOW God will choose to provide for me...but i'm thinkin its gunna be pretty radical:) cuz thats my life. and thats my God that i serve. haha...He blows my mind. So i will continue to pursue HIM....and He will direct my steps. This may mean pursuing Him...pleasing him over people...i don't know. it usually does!
Pray for me, PLEASE. particularly for direction; boldness of faith and pursuit; walking out his will at whatever the particular cost; and strength in obedience.
Thank you. I could not live this life without the encouragement, and truth in love/guidance that i receive from so many!!!
Peter-Like Transformation:
so we've been spending sum time in praise n worship to go over the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and this week we focused on gentleness. Sometimes i think that my general and overall demeanor is for the most part gentle...but now n then...and when the "then" is too often the "now"...i feel like i could explode with impulsive aggression. Appearantly Peter had this problem as well in his beginning stages of walking out his faith. In the Garden of Gethsemene (sp?)...while he was sposed to be praying it up, he was interrupted by the high priests coming to convict Jesus. Peter pulls out this knife that i guess he just keeps on him for praying purposes??...and wacks off the ear of the high priest's slave. thats sum pretty intense impulsivity n aggression.
So Jesus rebukes him and all...and then later on, when Peter is writing it up in the New Testament...he encourages us to take a gentle and Christ-like approach to our anger. I think he had sum time in-between writings to work on this character quality...but i just thought it was cool to see the vast transformation get painted out by the Master Artist. Gentleness. Gentle anger. And this term does not mean weak or passive anger...i think gentleness has been given a bad name by western society that values conquere thru force and standing for your rights at any and every cost. the cost of character...the cost of morality...the cost of your entire soul. Gentle anger involves fighting with dignity and with Christ as our guide.
This is the process of extreme transformation that i seek for my own life as a follower of God. A life lived BY FAITH. BY EXPERIENCE. BELIEF=BYLIFE. My worst fear: To become complacent...stuck in my---self. I seriously have nothing to live for in and of myself. Its brokenness. Its a tangled web of confusion and lack of true identity...fear...hopelessness. Its death. I don't know how many times i pray to God to save me from my self. I am my worst enemy at this point in my life. Belief is a choice. Its a choice for me to get up every day and choose to live in freedom...to choose life and not death. to choose my identity, my destiny...hope. I get to choose to either fall back or move forward each day. This realization of the urgency of need to take authority in who I am in Christ is kinda overwhelming...but sobering at the same time. I have a choice! sometimes i forget this. Actually i forget this alot. But everyday...haha...everyday i choose, i hammer the nail in that much more:) And since this life is such a process....one day maybe that nail will be cemented in all the way. And i'll be able to tackle the next one...and the next...constantly improving my foundation, and opening the door to freedom that much more.
Thank you, God, for being so patient with me.
So Jesus rebukes him and all...and then later on, when Peter is writing it up in the New Testament...he encourages us to take a gentle and Christ-like approach to our anger. I think he had sum time in-between writings to work on this character quality...but i just thought it was cool to see the vast transformation get painted out by the Master Artist. Gentleness. Gentle anger. And this term does not mean weak or passive anger...i think gentleness has been given a bad name by western society that values conquere thru force and standing for your rights at any and every cost. the cost of character...the cost of morality...the cost of your entire soul. Gentle anger involves fighting with dignity and with Christ as our guide.
This is the process of extreme transformation that i seek for my own life as a follower of God. A life lived BY FAITH. BY EXPERIENCE. BELIEF=BYLIFE. My worst fear: To become complacent...stuck in my---self. I seriously have nothing to live for in and of myself. Its brokenness. Its a tangled web of confusion and lack of true identity...fear...hopelessness. Its death. I don't know how many times i pray to God to save me from my self. I am my worst enemy at this point in my life. Belief is a choice. Its a choice for me to get up every day and choose to live in freedom...to choose life and not death. to choose my identity, my destiny...hope. I get to choose to either fall back or move forward each day. This realization of the urgency of need to take authority in who I am in Christ is kinda overwhelming...but sobering at the same time. I have a choice! sometimes i forget this. Actually i forget this alot. But everyday...haha...everyday i choose, i hammer the nail in that much more:) And since this life is such a process....one day maybe that nail will be cemented in all the way. And i'll be able to tackle the next one...and the next...constantly improving my foundation, and opening the door to freedom that much more.
Thank you, God, for being so patient with me.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Don't Waste Your Walk:
I'm feelin this title more than ever in several key areas of my life lived in Christ. "Don't Wast Your Walk"...what does this mean to me??
First, it means walking in my true identity of who i now know i am through being a daughter of the most High King. Not living in the lies that often nag at my thoughts: "God is unhappy with me, so i must do something good to appease Him"; "God is changeable and may alter his opinion of me at any time, so i have to constantly prove i'm a good daughter"; or that "God is simply a responder and will react to me with either punishment or reward, so i will do all things that merit a reward".
The key to trampling over these lies is replacing them with truths. For instance, grasping the concept of our restored identity...that we are "seated with him" through the simple yet complex power of the cross...of His incomprehendable love and mercy. Remembering that it was his plan at the very start of life to place us (our sinful and ignorant selves) in Him (who is perfect and always holy). He proves this to us by giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit (His Spirit), to us...not to leave us whenever we mess up, but to show us what his never-ending love and grace looks like, guiding and carrying us through life's endless battles.
As God restores our identity...he simultaneously reveals it to us in ways that we are able to comprehend and individually apply to our self-image. Through revelation of our identity, we are taught how to walk it out...what a worthy and new walk looks like, as compared to the Father's, and now that we are aware, the admonition and warning of not wasting that walk.
Thirdly, we are now capable of retaining this new identity by standing firm in our faith and in God's strength versus our own. we are able to utilize the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and actively live out who we are as sons and daughters of Jesus Christ!
Powers of darkness have lied to us and told us that "only some of us were meant for ministry". This is the reason that so many people groups are still unaware of God's testimony and salvation. EVERYONE has "A CALL" on their life. Christianity is a 24-7 way of life...not just something to be categorized into a sunday church attendance or wednesday night prayer group. It is HOW you live out your faith. Being a Christian equals an OUTFLOW vs an inflow. The Spirit of God is upon us to meet the needs of humanity. How are you doing this in your everyday life?? To minister means to serve. How are you serving?? Serving is not to be done JUST within the church but to every being (Mark 16:15). I think sometimes we view service as merely an occasional good act conducted within the safe walls of the church. while serving within the church is an aspect of servanthood, it is not the whole of it. we are called to minister and deliver the gospel message to "every creature"...not just those you know are open to hearing it.
God has been asking me over and over lately to what degree will i sacrifice for Him. What will i give up...what parts of my self am i willing to die to...and to what degree?? How important is it to me to truely and, with full out pursuit of passion, live my life according to his will for me as i understand it...to throw off my old identity and fully embrace who i am in Him. It leads to many crises of dilemmas...forks in the faith road where i have to consciously choose to obey and dive in...sometimes blindly, sometimes aware of the diffulty that lies ahead.
How do you walk out your faith...your hope...your love of Jesus Christ every day?? Is it a passion to you? A value that you have cultivated in your life? Or are we merely making excuses for our laziness through our human tendencies towards certain personality characteristics? "I don't share the gospel with unbelievers because I am not a quote on quote evangelist?" That is a very dangerous mindset to allow our faith to be controlled by. Are we not called to proclaim his name to every generation and people? Are we categorizing our faith? Pursuing Christianity merely on Sunday's?
"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb. 12:1.
What are we willing to sacrifice to bear the name of Jesus? To carry out his love to our communities...countries...nations?? Will we be challenged to give up time? Maybe its a steady income of money...personal inconveniencies of uncomfortable situations. Are we really willing to take up our cross and walk this faith life out? Better yet...to walk it out with reckless abdandon...abandonment of self, recognition, pride, comfort, maybe stability......?
First, it means walking in my true identity of who i now know i am through being a daughter of the most High King. Not living in the lies that often nag at my thoughts: "God is unhappy with me, so i must do something good to appease Him"; "God is changeable and may alter his opinion of me at any time, so i have to constantly prove i'm a good daughter"; or that "God is simply a responder and will react to me with either punishment or reward, so i will do all things that merit a reward".
The key to trampling over these lies is replacing them with truths. For instance, grasping the concept of our restored identity...that we are "seated with him" through the simple yet complex power of the cross...of His incomprehendable love and mercy. Remembering that it was his plan at the very start of life to place us (our sinful and ignorant selves) in Him (who is perfect and always holy). He proves this to us by giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit (His Spirit), to us...not to leave us whenever we mess up, but to show us what his never-ending love and grace looks like, guiding and carrying us through life's endless battles.
As God restores our identity...he simultaneously reveals it to us in ways that we are able to comprehend and individually apply to our self-image. Through revelation of our identity, we are taught how to walk it out...what a worthy and new walk looks like, as compared to the Father's, and now that we are aware, the admonition and warning of not wasting that walk.
Thirdly, we are now capable of retaining this new identity by standing firm in our faith and in God's strength versus our own. we are able to utilize the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and actively live out who we are as sons and daughters of Jesus Christ!
Powers of darkness have lied to us and told us that "only some of us were meant for ministry". This is the reason that so many people groups are still unaware of God's testimony and salvation. EVERYONE has "A CALL" on their life. Christianity is a 24-7 way of life...not just something to be categorized into a sunday church attendance or wednesday night prayer group. It is HOW you live out your faith. Being a Christian equals an OUTFLOW vs an inflow. The Spirit of God is upon us to meet the needs of humanity. How are you doing this in your everyday life?? To minister means to serve. How are you serving?? Serving is not to be done JUST within the church but to every being (Mark 16:15). I think sometimes we view service as merely an occasional good act conducted within the safe walls of the church. while serving within the church is an aspect of servanthood, it is not the whole of it. we are called to minister and deliver the gospel message to "every creature"...not just those you know are open to hearing it.
God has been asking me over and over lately to what degree will i sacrifice for Him. What will i give up...what parts of my self am i willing to die to...and to what degree?? How important is it to me to truely and, with full out pursuit of passion, live my life according to his will for me as i understand it...to throw off my old identity and fully embrace who i am in Him. It leads to many crises of dilemmas...forks in the faith road where i have to consciously choose to obey and dive in...sometimes blindly, sometimes aware of the diffulty that lies ahead.
How do you walk out your faith...your hope...your love of Jesus Christ every day?? Is it a passion to you? A value that you have cultivated in your life? Or are we merely making excuses for our laziness through our human tendencies towards certain personality characteristics? "I don't share the gospel with unbelievers because I am not a quote on quote evangelist?" That is a very dangerous mindset to allow our faith to be controlled by. Are we not called to proclaim his name to every generation and people? Are we categorizing our faith? Pursuing Christianity merely on Sunday's?
"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Heb. 12:1.
What are we willing to sacrifice to bear the name of Jesus? To carry out his love to our communities...countries...nations?? Will we be challenged to give up time? Maybe its a steady income of money...personal inconveniencies of uncomfortable situations. Are we really willing to take up our cross and walk this faith life out? Better yet...to walk it out with reckless abdandon...abandonment of self, recognition, pride, comfort, maybe stability......?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Who Defines You?? Your Life Or Your Life Giver?
Starting SOMD (School Of Ministry Development) off to a tight start with Passions, as our first week of teaching and Effective Personal Ministry, this week. Already I've been blown away with the eye opening discovery of truths that God is placing in bold letters on my heart, and highlighting as foundational areas in my life that i need to continue to cultivate and hammer in.
So lets start it up with passion:)...
I've discovered a few flaws in some of my motivations concerning my passions. For example, my highly prioritized passion of justice. Some of the roots as to how I pursue justice within the depths of my heart seem to flow from a hint of tinted unjust and unrighteous anger...and cover not only the unjust actions being witnessed, but also take aim at the individual perpetrating the injustice. I desire for my heart to be as lined up as possible with the heart and just anger of the Lord's so as to ensue the most effective outcome possible; those changes that impart the most positive significance to further the kingdom of Christ and to proclaim justice out of LOVE for not only the broken-hearted and abused, but also for the abusers.
ouch. The only way for me to pursue this selfless form of justice and love is to dive further into the heart and character of my Jesus. Our passions determine what we believe in as well as our behaviors. I do not want to react out of my selfish ambition and judgmental imposition, but out of God's heart and his alone. Jesus asks us "Are you willing to drink this cup?"; Are we willing to sacrifice...suffer for...perhaps die for_________?
Christ did all of these for the sake of sinners. Those sinners of which were not limited to child molesters, psychopathic murderers, cheaters, or those who inflicted pain on this world. He saw their sin and loved them as who he intended them to be...how he created them...he grieved the loss of their souls and hearts; and yes, he is angered at injustices committed, but does not direct his anger at the "who" of the sinner but instead, focuses his anger on the "what".
Its an intense and convicting basis of thought and substance of heart! We have to be DESPERATE to throw off our old and wrong passions of the heart, and with wholehearted urgency, pursue the passions of God's heart.
This is why it is so essential to baptize our minds so that they are soaked in spiritual truth and passion. Our beliefs should influence our life experiences more so than our life experiences influencing our beliefs. How you live puts on display what it is that you are devoted to! For example....is your life characterized by the priority of watching the most recent episode of the bachelor---feeding your present comforts---self-protection---spending the majority of your time watching tv, reading pointless material, or for me...listening to music that distracts me from what my true identity in Christ really is. Look at your bank statement...what do you spend the most money on? What do you find yourself talking about over and over with all your friends...yourself? Things about you? Recognizing your passions and what you place high value on helps you to see the influences that have shaped you. It helps you decide what kind of impact you want your life to leave behind.
It was humbling and revealing to analyze and recognize my own passions and values, thus also being made aware of my non-biblical values or aspects that need to be improved and strengthened. And I encourage you to do the same...to put your passions, your values, under the microscope and look through the heart of God. It is important that we continue to move forward in our growth as followers of Christ so that we are capable of bringing the most glory to our Father as possible...so that the most people are reached and communicated appropriately and rightly about the heart of our Daddy...and so that their lives may also be the most effective for influencing others towards the heart of God, thus furthering His kingdom and glory, one of our highest goals as servants and children of God!
And I'll stop with the highlights of this past teaching and save this week's series for a different setting so as not to bore you and hurt my brain any further:) As always, I am humbled and encouraged by your support and love in my pursuit of God, his truths, and present and future ministries!!
To all my financial supporters...I have all of my money in for my school fees, but I am still trying to raise more money for outreach ministry both right after this school (perhaps partnering with a few other students) and continued ministry---be that where God leads me at the proper time. I am also trying to pay off my monthly school loans while I am here. I am thinking that 3,000 would be sufficient for any oversees outreach (Brazil) !!....yeah still workin the money thing out with my Papa. Gotta love this faith thing!! If you are interested in donating, there is the donate button at the top/right corner of this blog site---electronic deposit. and I will hook ya up with the address here as well:
YWAM LA- (Kate Hunt-SOMD) *Do not write my name directly on a check but include on a slip of paper (make out just to: YWAM LA)
11141 Osborne Street
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
Kate Hunt
So lets start it up with passion:)...
I've discovered a few flaws in some of my motivations concerning my passions. For example, my highly prioritized passion of justice. Some of the roots as to how I pursue justice within the depths of my heart seem to flow from a hint of tinted unjust and unrighteous anger...and cover not only the unjust actions being witnessed, but also take aim at the individual perpetrating the injustice. I desire for my heart to be as lined up as possible with the heart and just anger of the Lord's so as to ensue the most effective outcome possible; those changes that impart the most positive significance to further the kingdom of Christ and to proclaim justice out of LOVE for not only the broken-hearted and abused, but also for the abusers.
ouch. The only way for me to pursue this selfless form of justice and love is to dive further into the heart and character of my Jesus. Our passions determine what we believe in as well as our behaviors. I do not want to react out of my selfish ambition and judgmental imposition, but out of God's heart and his alone. Jesus asks us "Are you willing to drink this cup?"; Are we willing to sacrifice...suffer for...perhaps die for_________?
Christ did all of these for the sake of sinners. Those sinners of which were not limited to child molesters, psychopathic murderers, cheaters, or those who inflicted pain on this world. He saw their sin and loved them as who he intended them to be...how he created them...he grieved the loss of their souls and hearts; and yes, he is angered at injustices committed, but does not direct his anger at the "who" of the sinner but instead, focuses his anger on the "what".
Its an intense and convicting basis of thought and substance of heart! We have to be DESPERATE to throw off our old and wrong passions of the heart, and with wholehearted urgency, pursue the passions of God's heart.
This is why it is so essential to baptize our minds so that they are soaked in spiritual truth and passion. Our beliefs should influence our life experiences more so than our life experiences influencing our beliefs. How you live puts on display what it is that you are devoted to! For example....is your life characterized by the priority of watching the most recent episode of the bachelor---feeding your present comforts---self-protection---spending the majority of your time watching tv, reading pointless material, or for me...listening to music that distracts me from what my true identity in Christ really is. Look at your bank statement...what do you spend the most money on? What do you find yourself talking about over and over with all your friends...yourself? Things about you? Recognizing your passions and what you place high value on helps you to see the influences that have shaped you. It helps you decide what kind of impact you want your life to leave behind.
It was humbling and revealing to analyze and recognize my own passions and values, thus also being made aware of my non-biblical values or aspects that need to be improved and strengthened. And I encourage you to do the same...to put your passions, your values, under the microscope and look through the heart of God. It is important that we continue to move forward in our growth as followers of Christ so that we are capable of bringing the most glory to our Father as possible...so that the most people are reached and communicated appropriately and rightly about the heart of our Daddy...and so that their lives may also be the most effective for influencing others towards the heart of God, thus furthering His kingdom and glory, one of our highest goals as servants and children of God!
And I'll stop with the highlights of this past teaching and save this week's series for a different setting so as not to bore you and hurt my brain any further:) As always, I am humbled and encouraged by your support and love in my pursuit of God, his truths, and present and future ministries!!
To all my financial supporters...I have all of my money in for my school fees, but I am still trying to raise more money for outreach ministry both right after this school (perhaps partnering with a few other students) and continued ministry---be that where God leads me at the proper time. I am also trying to pay off my monthly school loans while I am here. I am thinking that 3,000 would be sufficient for any oversees outreach (Brazil) !!....yeah still workin the money thing out with my Papa. Gotta love this faith thing!! If you are interested in donating, there is the donate button at the top/right corner of this blog site---electronic deposit. and I will hook ya up with the address here as well:
YWAM LA- (Kate Hunt-SOMD) *Do not write my name directly on a check but include on a slip of paper (make out just to: YWAM LA)
11141 Osborne Street
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
Kate Hunt
Saturday, March 20, 2010
life is uncomfortable
ima have to be honest with you...i don't necessarily enjoy uncomfortableness. Its not exactly a fun process to go through at any stage. But another thing i've figured out is that a life following after that of Christ is anything but comfortable. Don't get me wrong...i would never go back, but lemme tell it to you straight up, if you're living a life in which all you can see around you is that of comfort, you may wanna re-examine your priorities. you may wanna ask yaself if you are moving forward in your likeness of Christ. Because we are broken vessels, and its not natural to live a life reflective of God's characteristics. Its painful. its heartbreaking. its uncomfortable. but it is restoring. its in the brokenness that we are shaped and reformed. and without that reformation...we are stagnant and life abundant is only a far-off dream.
we can live our lives based out of our sinful personalities and selfish tendencies and every problem we face can become someone else's issues. we can continue to go around the obstacles instead of through them---the path will most likely be smoother and more travelled. but you will miss out. you will trade in a life of living in abundance for that of comfort. God has been continually challenging me to drop every comfort that i still stubbornly cling to and trade it in for growth for which unmeasurable joy and peace will follow. if we are faithful in the small things in life...God will entrust us with the more. He will place more responsibility in your hands, in which we can better live out our passions and dreams. The Enemy would love to continue to blind us to the heart of our Maker and keep us living within ourselves instead of Christ. Let us learn to face our fears and enter the challenges that Christ sets before us, so that we may grow and He may transform us into better representations of His heart. Let us change our ways of thinking so that we may, in turn, change the world around us.
we can live our lives based out of our sinful personalities and selfish tendencies and every problem we face can become someone else's issues. we can continue to go around the obstacles instead of through them---the path will most likely be smoother and more travelled. but you will miss out. you will trade in a life of living in abundance for that of comfort. God has been continually challenging me to drop every comfort that i still stubbornly cling to and trade it in for growth for which unmeasurable joy and peace will follow. if we are faithful in the small things in life...God will entrust us with the more. He will place more responsibility in your hands, in which we can better live out our passions and dreams. The Enemy would love to continue to blind us to the heart of our Maker and keep us living within ourselves instead of Christ. Let us learn to face our fears and enter the challenges that Christ sets before us, so that we may grow and He may transform us into better representations of His heart. Let us change our ways of thinking so that we may, in turn, change the world around us.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
growth analysis & next steps!
5 months. can a person really change this much in just a short amount of time? That is just the depth of power that the God that i serve holds. He's got the transformational touch=) So i know that transformation is a never-ending process of living the Christian life, but i want to rep it up for God and letchu in on some of the ways in which He has touched me.
God had a bit to work with, lol, so first things first. my faith foundation=). Where I once questioned my identity and security as God's...I now walk confidently as His daughter and am excited about the inheritance that is mine...the inheritance of being able to live in Christ's grace...in His unfathomable joy...in life ABUNDANT!
Within this revelation, I have been able to stand firm in the power that Christ gives me, in battling satan and confirming truths while saying g'bye to more obvious lies. Taking authority over the Evil One, because he ain't got nothin on me n my Daddy! practice practice practice! I understand the grace gift better. How it is essential to not only know but to walk His grace out. Even when I feel like I am unworthy of His unconditional love and forgiveness...to still truly accept it instead of continuing to sit in my shame and guilt. To practice to "walk in the opposite spirit" and hang on tightly to the Truth that I proclaim.
To just "BE". Versus constantly "doing". That God is proud of me even if i'm not doing something...some form of ministry even. That He really first longs for just us. For us to spend longer with Him in His presence. And I realized his faithfulness in always meeting with me...no matter how I was feeling. He is so cool=)
In recognizing more of Jesus' character...more of the depth of His unconditional love for me...I learned how worthy He really is of my trust. of my devotion and of my love in return. And I started giving more of myself to Him. I started depending on Him as my everything. And I think I am falling in love. How patient he has been with my stubborn self.
I learned God's heart for the "church". His bride. And in that, how to respect people...especially authority and people that I do not actually agree with. How to love a lil more like Him...and see people through a lil more of His eyes. Not an easy task, and i'm sure one that will always be a challenge for me.
And I learned how to better recognize the voice of my Father. There were several times over the last 5 months when I could confidently tell you...That was my Daddy...that was His voice...and this is His plan for me. Its so freakin exciting to be able to communicate with the Creator of the universe. I guess that is relationship=)
Here is the very end of the speech i gave at graduation: "And in tasting the more...in getting a glimpse of freedom---i can never turn back. I can no longer live a life bound to lies and mere mediocrity. The truth is now before me and I will rejoice in living as a redeemed daughter of The Most High King". =)
Yeah...so a time filled with continual learning...and a lot of multitasking learning at that! My brain kind of hurts=)
Hahaha. SO MUCH JOY! So what's next??! Errbody be axkin me this:) lol. And I did not really know till the last couple days before I left LA. God kinda takes his time in showing me the next steps...i think He wants me to keep trusting in Him no matter what. I'm glad. But again, He is faithful. And this is what he downloaded on my mind:
As of now, I am planning on going back to LA at the end of March. I even left half my stuff there lol. There is another school that YWAM LA offers at the same base, it is called SOMD (School Of Ministry Development). I know you may be thinking...more school??! Yeah, thats what i was thinking really...but check this: This school would give me the tools i need to put my ministry dreams into play. I would figure out my ministry giftings, learn how to better lead, and learn how to put my ideas into practical reality. and we all know i need some help with the practical side of things! And what is also cool about YWAM is this: It is an organization in which youth and young adults are capable of taking a dream and turning it into reality. It is a bottom up organization in which you do not need to climb a ladder to do your dream...they equip you and send you out! And I have a few dreams that God has placed...actually been burning...onto my heart. This school is a 3 month program instead of 5. And it costs around $3,000. I know my Papa will provide financially for me and seriously I am SO EXCITED to see it. I have added a (Support The Vision) link on the top right side of this blog if you feel so led to donate for this. God wasnt done with the downloading though...after SOMD I feel that it will be time for Brazil. I will look into starting an internship with the YWAM base...prolly in Belo Horizonte. This base works with the Brazilian street children...boys addicted to sniffing glue, and girls recovering from forced prostitution. I will work alongside this organization...learning from their experience, learning how they run their ministry...and how they know to best minister to the children there. Not to mention, learn Portugese! yikes. And once i learn needed information and wisdom here, I will start to implement my own ministry dream. To bring my counseling and therapeutic skills acquired through schooling into YWAM. Mixing and dualizing the Christian and Biblical counseling with the secular yet extremely and clinically proven effectiveness of TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). And once hopefully incorporating these practices into Brazil/YWAM...to take the idea to other areas...maybe even back to Indianapolis. Creating ministry places that will take in abused kids and give them the ability to learn about God's love as well as providing them with professional counseling techniques. setting up a place in which they can realize their giftings...writing, art, rapping, other skills they can use to support themselves in the world. Its a dream in progress=) And i've prolly bored you now lol...but this is where i am and this is what is on my heart. I was on the phone the other day with my big sis and this is what came out of my mouth "yeah i will prolly be in missions for the rest of my life"...um...then i freaked out at what i had just said, and rather surprised at myself lol. and as much as a regular paycheck would be nice...the ability to buy shoes whenever i wanted...haha, seriously it does not compare with serving Christ. And this is my heart's desire. To be honest with you...it is so much fun too! It is seriously so exciting to see how God provides for me. when he strips you down, he never leaves you without. and when you follow His will for your life...He will not leave you. He is my Provider...my Father...my Friend...He is my Everything! And I know the Everything I know will only become more as I learn more and continue to press into HIM.
Thank you to ALL of you. Thank you for your support and for partnering with me through this last God adventure. I cannot wait to talk to you all in person and will be more than happy to answer any questions and anything else you want to ask. I will be in Indianapolis until around March 28th. But there is also always e-mail and facebook! If you wish to continue partnering with me financially...in continuing to help me walk out these God plans...lemme know, or there is also the donate button on this page...that i finally figured out how to attach lol. I could use your financial support greatly, specially given that i am pretty much broke lol. Oh and I also had this thought...to put up my artwork for sale (given that i actually get a few painted between now n then...and to put up all my writings on this site. So you can print them off or whatever...if you like them that is, for your enjoyment...and if you wanna donate a few bucks in return thatd be tight=) just a couple thoughts. I am so excited to also hear ALL that God has been doing in each one of your lives! I am SO thankful for each of you.
YWAM LA- SOMD c/0 Kate Hunt
11141 Osborne Street
Lake View Terrace, CA
(*Do not write my name directly on a check)
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