Sunday, May 6, 2012

No Limit Love

I am so often blown away by the limitless love that Jesus holds.
And then i am reminded of how essentially necessary it is for me to be continually filled with his love, and not my own. Reading through the OT books, filled with corrupt kings, idol-worshipping, betrayal of God time and time again, and even with having miracles performed moments before right in front of their eyes! And yet God does not hesitate to welcome them back into his arms.

The story of Peter's screw-ups in his triple denials of Jesus in his darkest hour of need. The next time Peter  is reunited with his Savior whom he betrayed he is in a boat and Jesus appears on the shore. Peter recognizes him and with his ever impulsive yet passionate spirit, he leaps out of the boat and with everything in him, finds his way to the foot of Jesus...and Jesus embraces Peter.  He embraces his betrayer. And if i had to guess, i would say that Jesus had no thought of Peter's betrayal on his mind during that reunion hug. I would guess that there was no room for anything other than amazing love for him.

And this one hit me this week: I was fighting impatience and discouragement with one of my kiddos who was refusing to come into my room for therapy. I was reminded to pray. And as i started praying, i was overwhelmed with the feeling...prolly just a hint...of the crazy love that Jesus has for this life.  Overwhelming and overflowing straight up love. No conditions. No, "i'll love her when she gets her act together" (like sometimes i wonder if he thinks about me). No rules. No formulas. He just loves. Right where we are...he just loves.  Why? Why does he love such broken people? We can't wrap our minds around the why, because the answer is in his love and we don't yet fully know the depth of his love. This is why we need to ask him for it. Everyday, with everyone, and in every situation...we must lean not on ourselves, but on him.

Oh last thought. The guy hanging on the cross next to Jesus.  The one that asked Jesus to remember him in paradise. Ok, picture this: Here is Jesus...hanging there...dying an excruciatingly painful and unjustified death and the guy beside him asks for a favor...he asks for a pardon. A guy, remember, who's crucifixion is justified, from most likely some very horrific acts committed. Does Jesus reply "Name your sins and everything you need forgiven for, first?" Does he point out every horrific crime he committed and every way he is not deserving of being forgiven? Nope. He simply replies "Because you believed, you will be with me in paradise". That's it?! No life-long striving after holiness...this guy didn't leave behind prolly much of anything good! And he is granted salvation. Just like that. What kind of love cares so much for a heart that it can throw away conditions and rules?? Only Jesus' kind of love. And that's what turns hearts around. That kind of love, forgives all betrayal and soothes all guilt and shame in one loving embrace. That kind of love, offers undeserved salvation, offers unconditional love to the worst of the worst. This is the love that we need in order to bring his kingdom to this broken world.