Monday, October 18, 2010

Straight-Up Support Letter! + download on God in LA

Hi to all my brothers n sisters in Christ!! I'm writing this blog post in support-raising/newsletter style with the intent being to letchu know what God has been up to at YWAM Los well as to ask those of you who are excited about these God-movements to either 1. continue to partner with me in prayer/financially or 2. Begin to partner with me in prayer/financially! For those of you who do not yet know...I have joined the YWAM LA staff and I have committed to LA ministry for 2 years. As staff, we are still working support-raising style...but still have staff fees of $275/mo. I would like to maintain a $400 budget if possible. I am in need of monthly or 1-time donations/support!! I really feel that God has called me here to this particular ministry, so i know that He will provide. If you feel so led to partner with me financially...please let me know so that i can send you support envelopes...updates...and stay in contact with you. I am already falling short for this month...dang...this faith life is quite the challenge for me. All out dependency...not exactly what i'm used to...just being honest.

Anyways...enough of money talk:)...lets get to the tight God action!!! YWAM Los Angeles is in a state of preparing for thousands of new believers and youth to invade this LA base. We, as a base, have received the prophecy of being one of the key locations that will take in...train...and mobilize 20,000 young people from within the city who will rise up as new believers and help to impact this entire City of Angels. You may read this and think..."Oh those radical YWAMers!" lol...but seriously...this prophecy has been confirmed with several other visions and pictures and other prophecies coming from among the organization's very founders all the way to having God impressing the same visions to our own staff. Believe it or not...LA is going to be woken up soon. God is moving...he is going to put his glory on display in a city that has been deadened to sin and life for too long. I'M SO STOKED!!!!!

While that, of course, is being prepared in the present...the result is future-oriented. my favorite:) so...shifting back into more of the present...As most of you know, i am currently staffing the School Of Ministry Development (SOMD). We are getting ready to go into our 5th week!! And as i think about it, it is a little ironic that i think to write this support letter now, because tomorrow we will start teaching on Faith & Finances lol. sum tight teaching from a great speaker. While staffing has been quite has been dually rewarding. I get to wake up everyday and watch God at work within my student's lives. And He is quite the Artist!!! working it so uniquely and intricately with each one. A woven work of love and grace...ashes to beauty. Redemption and restoration!!! Freedom. These young adults are anchoring their faith roots in DEEP!!! allowing God to come in...clean house...and rebuild on the firmest foundation that will last and, in turn, multiply within others. It is seriously such a great blessing to have the privilege of walking them through with God. sum front-row action!! I have been learning so much...deepening my own roots.

A lil more future:)...I have decided to go on outreach with a team of 4 after the lecture phase is over...back to Mexico City!! We have the opportunity to enter into several specific ministries that are already being worked with...from counseling to street work. We will prolly stay 2-3 months. I will then head back to LA and prepare for the next phase of...i'm not But in the near future...most likely next Spring, I plan to join the Urban Dept here at the base. The Urban team works within the city of Los Angeles. We are partnering with them currently, attending and running the after-school program for at-risk youth. The program was started by the LAPD and they help keep the kids in line while we try to teach them about their well as how to do their algebra:). The kids are picked by the LAPD to join this program due to their poor behavior, criminality, and risk of gang involvement. We go with our students every Tuesday and Thursday, as well as Saturday morning now, to minister to these hurting kids. The Urban Team plans to purchase a house within the projects, prolly in the next year...moving into the worst communities (Pacoima/Watts) and bring the church to them. starting mini and gang DTS' (Discipleship Training Schools)...offering counseling...etc. The very ideas that God has downloaded upon my heart--SPECIFICALLY--he has also downloaded specifically onto the hearts of the Urban Team leaders!! i love it. i love the way God works.

So thats sum present n future breakin it down information! If you would like to be a part of these particular LA God works...please let me know!!! whether prayerfully or financially. It is helpful to me to know that i have people praying for me...specially when it is rough...i can think..."oh yeah, so n so are praying for me n got my back!". And financially, of course, is very needed. And i would love to know how i can be praying for please don't hesitate to shoot me sum prayer requests!!! Love to all, and hope this note finds you doing well n with God stories of your own. oh yeah...n i'd love to hear bout your personal God experiences as well!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

random exclamation

how do i adequately express the dancing of my soul? how do i perfectly paint the landscape of joy threatening to explode from the depths of my being?

It is unlike any tweeked out trip. nothing money can purchase. nothing man could attempt to create. our mind can't comprehend it all...He is too enormous for our finite understanding

This is why i continue to choose faith...because i continue to see through experience. His presence fills me to overflowing...i cannot contain his goodness. i cannot possibly keep this treasure of joyous hope all to myself.

i belong. i belong to The Most High God. I can't seem to sleep! the excitement fills my heart and mind as i lay resting assured that i am His. I have been marked as His child. There is absolutely nothing that can separate me from this Love.

His very touch cascades down my cheeks in tears of comfort. i am loved. my breath is taken away by the gracious gentleness and pure love of oceanic proportions

This is my God. This is who i serve. This is who i will continue to live for.