Monday, June 7, 2010


Hi!!!! alright, ima get down to business n letchu in on sum recent decisions that God has me traveling through.

I'm so glad that God is in control of my life and has it all planned out before I do...and that i don't necessarily know it all in advance because i would be a bit discouraged at the PROCESS of life---guess what...its not all bout the destination of your goals lol. Each step leads me closer to achieving those goals but more importantly...closer to my ultimate Love and Father.

I wasn't planning on doing this School Of Ministry Development lol...i was planning in my head to go straight to Brazil. God has me in Brazil, he's laid this country and people strongly on my heart, but during this school he has added a few countries to my heart: Nepal, Thailand, Philipines...(ok yeah, I'll just say it, i definitely had to look up on a map where these countries were! But there are a ton of maps around a YWAM campus lol). In saying this, i am thinking that God doesn't have just one country in my future...but a few? I've also been wondering about New York City. Its just interesting that God can take my vision of Brazil and turn my dreams into HIS...He takes my passions and uses them for HIS purposes. I'm so thankful for this, because i've learned that anything i try to do on my own---without the equipping of the Holy Spirit---is worthless.

So, in continuing what it was that i was not planning on doing...i continue with what GOD has planned for me lol. And that is where this summer and fall---actually the next two years---play into the mix. I had been asking God for months to reveal his best for me and my future, and last Tuesday he cleary laid his will on my heart. He asked me if i would be willing to staff the same school that i am currently in, for the Fall. Before Tuesday i would have definitely frowned on that request because i was ancy to go....somewhere....i don't like to stay in one place for too long, no matter how awesome it is! But God seriously met my fears with joy and peace for this task of discipling others. God has been laying this message of our need to disciple others on my heart from the start of the school. The fact Jesus' last exhortation to his people was to go and make must be pretty big stuff. So this divine proposal was downloaded on Tuesday and so i was just praying into it all day and on Wednesday i was asked by one of my leaders to join her Fall SOMD staff. She was like...pray into it and come back and let me know lol...i told her i already had and accepted the offer because i know it is a God assignment.

SO...going on staff with YWAM requires a 2-year commitment. But my leaders are planning to bring this school to Brazil in March, lol...and I am included in those plans! Wait...did someone say Brazil?! haha...School Of Ministry Development with the youth of Brazil...discipling the nations...i'm in:) I will get to bring in my counseling background to these schools and use my gifts in this area with the students. The first Discipleship Training School that i did last fall will be going on at the same time as the SOMD here in LA, and i am looking into working with the Justice Track that i was apart of during my DTS...bringing in crisis counseling teaching and continuing to work with the issue of human trafficking. As a staff member for the SOMD school this Fall, i will be running small groups, meeting 1-on-1 with students, working with staff to continually improve how we run things, and contributing my counseling knowledge to staff n students.

So thats the lol. And for the Summer...I am going on staff for a program named Mission Adventures. It is a 2 month program in which youth come to the base in order to learn more about Jesus and Missions. My role will be to partner with our existing Urban Team in helping to lead and facilitate these youth in their missions work throughout the city of Los well as disciple them on the base. Every week will be a new team of youth and i will be living in the trailers (dorms) with the kids, leading small groups, influencing them in good ways:) basically more discipleship.

The current school that i am in ends on the 18th of June. Misson Adventures (MA) starts shortly after and ends mid August. Then the Fall SOMD that i will be staffing starts September...18/19? Thats the best i can do with dates right now:) So, even though i did not exactly plan for these things, i am so excited for them because i know that if i am in God's will then i am in the best place! And the team i will be working alongside during both MA and SOMD is amazingly awesome. We all have great gifts and unique talents and personalities that will be great to work with. This place has become my home and i love these people. Some of why i felt my own fears and anciness effecting me---i have this fear and anxiety that comes when i start to feel attached to a place or people. But interdependence is Godly and Kingdom Living...and my independent dependency on myself is getting worked on.

So thats the plan! I feel like i've written "so" alot of times lol. anyways...hopefully this all makes some sense and do know that my visions for Brazil...Nepal...Thailand (street kids and child prostitution/human trafficking) is also heavy on God's heart and i know he is preparing the way for me to work in these countries and areas. Please be patient with me! I guess i just need extra preparation. I had to get rid of stubborn and major cracks in my foundation---actually i kinda just bulldozed it and started over---because ya'll know i don't do things half-hearted:) So its taking some time...but i'm becoming more n more cool with the process of living. To all of you who have supported me through encouragement, prayers, calls, emails, money....any n every which don't know how much i appreciate you!!! If you want to continue to financially support me in these new upcoming adventures i would welcome it:) Going on staff with YWAM doesn't mean we now get paid i still need to support raise. But to tell you the is an exercise of faith for me and i love seeing my Daddy provide for me in these ways...its cool:) Its cheaper tho! Staff fees are $250 per month. This includes housing/food. I have developed a budget that looks something like $500/mo (phone/loans). If you are interested or feel so led to participate in these plans with me i would love to develop a list of monthly support/(ers). I have the spreadsheet ready to tract everything! haha...i'm getting better with the details. Please contact me. email or cell: 317.332.4764. Questions are welcome. Love you all,


1 comment:

  1. Kat! I love reading about your life and it sounds so thrilled to be where you're at just trusting God. Thanks for serving him through YWAM, I think it's such a great organization. And.. NEPAL... you know I love that place and hope to get back a 4th time someday :) Love you girl.
