Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Desperate Heart

We are not of this world. And yet, we must live in it. If you have tasted and seen the glory of God, this simple fact of being a foreigner will leave you absolutely longing for more. More of God's glory. More of his Kingdom. More of Him!

The challenge for me is to see him in the mundane. For the mundane is part of this life, regardless if we enjoy it or not. We can't just decide to stop buying groceries or filling up the car with gas or whatever it is that we have to make a routine habit of. It simply is apart of this life. Too much of it, I must admit, can easily depress me. I have great difficulty living in the "now" the "present", and too often am focusing and yearning for tomorrow...envisioning and dreaming about the future and what could be or what could happen. It's apart of who I am, that, if trained well, can serve as a strength...but often steals my joy right out from under me if i'm not careful. Yes, God is our God of the past, and the future, but it is the now that we are able to experience him. And is this not what we truly long for? To experience him as much as we are able? If you have gotten to know him at all, you will agree.

For to truly experience Christ, even in the tiniest way...will leave you desperately longing for more. Not  more sermons, not more songs, nor empty words and promises...not more religion or rules or even works for God---more of God himself. The God of the heavens and earth, colliding amidst your very life- producing change---fruit---insight---touching us, in the wholeness of who we are, within our mess and our imperfection. The touch of Love, himself. peeling back another layer of the cloud in which we see through, and opening our eyes to more.

------------"We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly." --1 Cor 13:12-13.--------------

We, obviously, will have to wait until heaven to see and know our Father in his complete fullness; but while we are living on the training ground where he has us, we can enter into the more of who he is everyday that we wake up, breathing his breath. The more we trust steadily...the more we hope unswervingly...and love extravagantly...the closer glimpse we get to the fullness of Christ. This is the longing that has been anchored in our hearts, and full-out pursuance of this completeness is the only way to soothe the desperate heart. 

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