Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Upside Down Reformation of Loving Our Neighbor

I have to make a confession. I have not done such a great job of loving Christ's bride, the church.  Insomuch, that i have been very critical of the American church today, without remaining a part of it in order to help promote change and rebirth. I have committed hypocrisy. For, in reality, we are all hypocrites, right? The question remains, then, how can we rebuild what is hypocritical in our lives, in the church, in the world around us, so that we do not remain blind and a poor reflection on the heart of the God who we so desire to represent? How do we become honest and transparent vessels of change within ourselves first, and then within the system of Christianity that is flatlining in a world so desperate to know love?

Conversion. Complete conversion of the heart, mind, and mindset. Erasing the separation between "church and state" or "church and lifestyle".  Acting on our preaching...taking action on our very prayers. Forget about handing off the problems of society to the hands of political parties. Society...community...these are the church's concern, not the government's. It's not about pushing policies into law or voting for Blue or Red. Change starts within our own lives and ignites other individuals and communities--churches and neighborhoods. On this election day, i had the thought, "i'm voting Republican for government and desiring the church to start thinking democratically" (to a sense).

For example, I don't believe it should be the role of government to enable or even provide for the economic security of the poor by taking money from the wealthy; however, I do believe that if we really understood Jesus' heart, the government wouldn't have to if we, as Christians, not out of guilt or obligation, but rather---LOVE---provided for the needs of the poor, took care of widows, women, children, the sick, those in need. Christianity must serve to become more than a belief. It must become action. Our thinking, our hearts, and yes, even our view on money, need to be reborn and reformed back into the ideals that the early church pursued.

To love our neighbors. To give the coat off our back. To not store up for ourselves treasures in the here and now, but to think heavenly. Dependent on our Father for our "daily bread"...our daily needs to be met! We wonder why we don't see miracles. Perhaps its because we don't need....we aren't in need for God to show up! So we turn to our stockpile of money saved up and our treasures of a 50" flatscreen or our Mercedes-Benz to get us through our day, while all the while we are declaring "justice for all!" and "Bless America!". "God, bless me with this..." instead of how can my life be a blessing to others and God, himself.  How do we become a church body that cares for and loves our neighbors at the very core of our faith belies, including: healthcare, economics, hospitality, servanthood, militarism, peace, humility, emotionality, spirituality?

Church, as we know it today, is broken and bleeding. Our mindsets, our hearts, and our paychecks are not always reflecting Jesus' heart. Does that mean we abandon the church? I'm being convicted that this is not the answer. Who am I to think that i am no less of a hypocrite than the church? No less at fault? Who am I to think i can or should do this faith living without community or the bride of Christ? We need the church and the church needs reformational thinking...to be revived--In love and truth. I don't want to be that seed that gets uprooted or tossed about due to not taking root or being secured in foundation of community and accountability. How do I love my neighbor? How do you love your neighbor? How do we as a church better represent the Bride of Christ to our neighbors in every aspect of everyday living? Let's start asking these questions and working together in unity towards reformation and revival of the very heart of our saving grace, Jesus!!

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