Thursday, April 8, 2010

Who Defines You?? Your Life Or Your Life Giver?

Starting SOMD (School Of Ministry Development) off to a tight start with Passions, as our first week of teaching and Effective Personal Ministry, this week. Already I've been blown away with the eye opening discovery of truths that God is placing in bold letters on my heart, and highlighting as foundational areas in my life that i need to continue to cultivate and hammer in.

So lets start it up with passion:)...

I've discovered a few flaws in some of my motivations concerning my passions. For example, my highly prioritized passion of justice. Some of the roots as to how I pursue justice within the depths of my heart seem to flow from a hint of tinted unjust and unrighteous anger...and cover not only the unjust actions being witnessed, but also take aim at the individual perpetrating the injustice. I desire for my heart to be as lined up as possible with the heart and just anger of the Lord's so as to ensue the most effective outcome possible; those changes that impart the most positive significance to further the kingdom of Christ and to proclaim justice out of LOVE for not only the broken-hearted and abused, but also for the abusers.

ouch. The only way for me to pursue this selfless form of justice and love is to dive further into the heart and character of my Jesus. Our passions determine what we believe in as well as our behaviors. I do not want to react out of my selfish ambition and judgmental imposition, but out of God's heart and his alone. Jesus asks us "Are you willing to drink this cup?"; Are we willing to sacrifice...suffer for...perhaps die for_________?

Christ did all of these for the sake of sinners. Those sinners of which were not limited to child molesters, psychopathic murderers, cheaters, or those who inflicted pain on this world. He saw their sin and loved them as who he intended them to he created them...he grieved the loss of their souls and hearts; and yes, he is angered at injustices committed, but does not direct his anger at the "who" of the sinner but instead, focuses his anger on the "what".

Its an intense and convicting basis of thought and substance of heart! We have to be DESPERATE to throw off our old and wrong passions of the heart, and with wholehearted urgency, pursue the passions of God's heart.

This is why it is so essential to baptize our minds so that they are soaked in spiritual truth and passion. Our beliefs should influence our life experiences more so than our life experiences influencing our beliefs. How you live puts on display what it is that you are devoted to! For your life characterized by the priority of watching the most recent episode of the bachelor---feeding your present comforts---self-protection---spending the majority of your time watching tv, reading pointless material, or for me...listening to music that distracts me from what my true identity in Christ really is. Look at your bank statement...what do you spend the most money on? What do you find yourself talking about over and over with all your friends...yourself? Things about you? Recognizing your passions and what you place high value on helps you to see the influences that have shaped you. It helps you decide what kind of impact you want your life to leave behind.

It was humbling and revealing to analyze and recognize my own passions and values, thus also being made aware of my non-biblical values or aspects that need to be improved and strengthened. And I encourage you to do the put your passions, your values, under the microscope and look through the heart of God. It is important that we continue to move forward in our growth as followers of Christ so that we are capable of bringing the most glory to our Father as that the most people are reached and communicated appropriately and rightly about the heart of our Daddy...and so that their lives may also be the most effective for influencing others towards the heart of God, thus furthering His kingdom and glory, one of our highest goals as servants and children of God!

And I'll stop with the highlights of this past teaching and save this week's series for a different setting so as not to bore you and hurt my brain any further:) As always, I am humbled and encouraged by your support and love in my pursuit of God, his truths, and present and future ministries!!

To all my financial supporters...I have all of my money in for my school fees, but I am still trying to raise more money for outreach ministry both right after this school (perhaps partnering with a few other students) and continued ministry---be that where God leads me at the proper time. I am also trying to pay off my monthly school loans while I am here. I am thinking that 3,000 would be sufficient for any oversees outreach (Brazil) !!....yeah still workin the money thing out with my Papa. Gotta love this faith thing!! If you are interested in donating, there is the donate button at the top/right corner of this blog site---electronic deposit. and I will hook ya up with the address here as well:

YWAM LA- (Kate Hunt-SOMD) *Do not write my name directly on a check but include on a slip of paper (make out just to: YWAM LA)

11141 Osborne Street
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342


Kate Hunt

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