Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So, with the last assignment finished, and thankfully so...its on to the next! All i knew is that i was sposed to come back to LA after Christmas break, but i wasn't sure as to where or what i would be up to. I was praying this weekend...pleading with God to hand me sum of his vision...and this is what i got: "stop trying to work it all out...just praise me and i will take care of it" lol. So praise him i did, and Monday i got my answers. I know...quick, right?! Here is what i will be up to for the next...however long:

I will be working alongside the YWAM Los Angeles Urban Team. The team is beginning the pioneering process of moving into the projects of Pacoima. I will be helping in the creation of training programs, tapping into my educational knowledge and using those brain cells that cost so much to train lol. Another project that the team is working on is to compile knowledge and insight into surrounding gangs: reasons for becoming involved, behaviors, perceptions, beliefs, etc. The goals: to learn and gain as much insight into the gang cultures so as to best be prepared to work alongside them; to begin building contacts and relationships with community members and members of gangs; and also so as to create a book full of personal stories, pictures and disclosures of the gang life for the means of creating widespread awareness. I believe that you have the most authority in speaking into someone's life if you are best possibly educated in the inner workings of their life. And who better to ask about it all than the people themselves who are actually living the life out? These are people that we feel called to minister to, the "least of society" and these are the people that we will begin to connect with. The book project will require writing and photography, graphic arts and sum creativity skills. Ha...i wanted to work with street kids...i got my wish:)

So thats whats up with the ministry side of my life. I'm stoked! Its a nice feeling to once again have some feeling of purpose, and it is cool to me how God always seems to confirm with full clarity what i need to be pursuing next.

To download a lil from the deeper depths of my right brain, lol:

I've been reading in 1 Corinthians today, ya know that Love Chapter of 13? Its pretty tight, but its seriously CRAZINESS!! This is the line that gets me, verse 7/8 "Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails". That verse totally blows my mind. ALWAYS TRUSTS AND HOPES???!!! are you serious??!! what does this even look like for the people and situations in my life? What exactly does trust and hope look like Biblically? I don't even know to say anything about it and i definitely need more understanding on it, but its a tight verse to tear apart and i think we prolly all could use to chew it apart a lil more. Its funny, though, something i did realize in worship the other day...i noticed that i had quite a lot easier time praising and worshipping God with songs that proclaimed MY love for HIM...but when it came to singing songs that proclaimed HIS love for ME...now that took me aback a bit. Still. It is still so hard for me to comprehend. God's love NEVER FAILS. I want more of that kind of love. When people see my love, i want them to be able to see Christ.

Peace n love to all of you supporting me...championing God in me. Please continue to remember me in your prayers, and to send me your own prayers and updates!


  1. I love your blog!! I never saw it until now, I've just been following what u write on facebook.YOUR blog is a treasure to find! Wow, I have some sweet reading to do here girl. I love you, and I love how God works in and through you. You're amazing!!

  2. :) ha...thanks, Nova!!! love you girl...you are such an encouraging inspiration to me n so many others. can't wait to hear all bout ur T-land God adventures!

  3. ps i changed my display name so it actually matches my blog name lol. who knew?!
