Saturday, September 26, 2009

Transformational Power:

Hey all!

I have a lil bit a free time today so i thought i'd blog it up cuz there is so much in my head and so much has happened already! It feels like i've been here for like a month already lol but i'm pretty sure its only been a week. wow., when YWAM named this the Transformation DTS...they were right on. I really had no idea that transformation could look like this. So many people including me have already begun to enter this transformation. its so freakin amazing to see people change right b4 your eyes. its just like the Spirit gets ahold and then its not really them so much that you see its God! cool. and its communal. nobody is walking alone. we can't run...can't hide...can't even dissociate away from God's presence and knocking here. its like you are forced to hear his knock. and that puts you in a place of serious emotional conflict and a dilemma of decision. which is SO HARD. but so necessary. I've felt ALOT of knocking, lol....from God, asking me "will you give me this?...Will you lay this down?...Will you choose to walk COMPLETELY whole with me?" Will you choose to let me heal this?" oh man. so i've made myself hear these things and made myself stay present amidst the internal conflict...and while i have not totally responded yet...i know my heart is preparing to. i don't know exactly what the process and outcome will look like...but i know that there is so much more freedom that God is just waiting to show me. and i'm scared...but excited as well.

This coming week we will be focusing on hearing God's voice....and we will choose our tract by the end of the week. We were presented the details of the tracts last night and they are all so good that i have no idea which God has for me right now. so...We'll see! Pray that i will stay open to his will over my own...and that nothing will influence my decision other than the assurance of God's voice.

We get to go to the beach today!! i'm pretty excited! and we will have a bonfire and have the opportunity to physically "throw away" some things we are holding on to...into the fire. it'll be sweet. Pray that i grow in strength and and faith...for our Lord. Thanks!!! may find it funny that we have to be in bed here by 10:30 and be up and ready for bfast by 7am!!! and i'm not doin so bad:) lol

more things i've learned:

Worship: 1. there are way more forms of worship than just singing. 2. when worshipping...ask yourself, "Did I make God proud?" rather than "How did the worship make me feel?" we want Jesus to turn to his Father and say..."Wow. Their worship today was amazing!" :) i like that.

*Its very helpful for me to start my MORNING off right with spending needed time with Jesus. It prepares and arms my head for the day way better.

*I have been putting more value on serving people with my life rather than serving God...and i have been idolizing my dreams rather than giving them over to God...even though they are Godly. along those lines...i often desire things "of God" alot more than i desire "GOD HIMSELF". just merely focusing on Relationship with Him...rather than pleasing him with my actions or striving for improvement in Him.

*We will begin to hear God's voice way better when we are able ....or CHOOSE to walk in obedience and surrender our selfishness. Dying To Self:) fun stuff!

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