Monday, October 19, 2009

Say what?!

So...much has happened in the last...what 2 weeks??! i seriously cannot believe it has only been 4 weeks...feels like 4 years! in a good yet hard way.

last week we had a speaker talk on Destiny & Identity. I learned alot.
---1. that i need to be way more open and trusting of authority, that there are alot of authority people who have a lot of good stuff to say and i will be missing out if i'm constantly cross-examining them in my head. or testing for incongruencies or waiting for something they say in which i can be like yeah...i knew i couldn't trust you. So at the beginning of last week...i was of course finding things to back up my untrust of this speaker and i learned a hard but good lesson in the process about going to the person and laying out any questions to them straight up and not letting the Enemy get ahold of my thinking or interfere with the work and teaching that God wants to deliver.
---2. I learned that i really need to work more on having my identity rooted in Christ and how he views me and what he says about me in his Word rather than getting caught up in lies and negative self-thinking or doubting.

*Random inclusion of info: I got to go to this hip-hop church called The Underground in LA and it was SO TIGHT! praise n worship was hip hop God praises and dancing in the aisles:):) and after the very very good preachin there were rap battles in which they rappers lifted each other up instead of the normal downing or slaughtering that you would find on the streets. it was pretty ill. not to mention it is an evening church! lol.

AND...then this past week we went as a team to Tijuana, Mexico for the week. It was a pretty hard week for me emotionally. I felt extremely down and just plain grumpy. As soon as we crossed the boarder into Mexico my whole self just felt oppressed...and my stomach hurt...and then as soon as we crossed it coming went entirely away and i felt so much peace. crazy. i thought i was just being weird, but realized a bunch of others felt the exact same way, so i thought maybe it was spiritual warfare stuff. Mexico is a really spiritually oppressed country...i just didn't think it would affect me like that.

But we had some good times in Mexico too. We built a 2-bedroom little house for a family of 7, who formerly lived in a tiny "shack" built with anything and everything but no floor...mattresses lining the walls for electricity, etc. it was a cool time. the community is so destitute and it is hard to explain the hopelessness that hangs in the air. However...the people are SO humble and gracious and the kids even helped us with the build. i did alot of painting, and tried not to pet the numerous dogs that begged for attention and love. we got to give the keys to the house over to the family and hear the mother say a few words after we finished. i was not expecting to cry, but when she said "thank you, now my children don't have to worry about the wind and the rain" i couldn't help the abrupt fall of tears in response. the things that we take for granted. the things that we complain about. we are back and i am SO GLAD to be home in LA! I've never felt that homesickness before, but i'm sure it had alot to do with the spiritual oppression in Mexico, as well as the awesome family i have here in LA.

God has been very evident to me. Thank you always for all of your prayers and support. I could not be learning and experiencing all of this without all of you!! Thanks thanks and more thanks. I will let ya all in on the cool scoop God gave me this morning about some future coolness, when i feel that He is ready for me to share it with everyone. But i am SO EXCITED about it and humbled by the realization that God really CAN think and dream way bigger than me and SO WAY bigger than i could ever imagined. i honestly never believed that before this morning. glad He humbles me and loves me unconditionally.


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