Saturday, May 21, 2011

A New Chapter

Yes, the above city is indeed Indianapolis...and yes, that means I am coming home! Within the last several months I have been talking with God about the possibility of leaving YWAM LA and embracing the next adventure that He has for me. Recently, God has made it very clear to me (as I understand) that he is, indeed, releasing me from YWAM Los Angeles. This is a much prayed about decision and will be extremely difficult considering that YWAM LA has become family to me over the past 2 years. This community has embraced me as their own and much of my spiritual foundation has been built here. And while it remains an incredible place to grow, I do not want to miss God’s best for me by choosing not to leave and follow Him.

Therefore, I will be moving back to Indianapolis to live with my sister and work. I am hoping to find a position within my field. I feel as though it is a vital time for me to be paying off school loans as well as saving. I do not know what the future holds, but I am up to letting God continue to write the chapter at a time.

I also have some visionary ideas for my time in Indianapolis...shocker, i know! To everyone who has supported me in my LA adventures...please know how grateful I am to you for your love, encouragement and generosity. You made it possible for me to learn such incredible truth...for my eyes to be revealed to so much more of Christ...for God’s light to be shown to others...You have partnered with me in bringing God’s kingdom to earth, to the starving city of Los Angeles, and to the target nations that we have ministered to.

As I look back on the journey, I realize that I have blogged or talked about various visions that I did not end up embarking upon. I apologize for taking you along on the rollercoaster of ideas that flow through my mind on a constant basis! This is why it takes me a minute to make decisions because I want to make sure that I am following God’s lead and not my own! Believe it or not...there are actually many more of my personality types out here in within YWAM! Thank you for your grace and patience as you travel with me.

I Need Your Help!!!

I am expecting the transition to be a bit difficult for me at first. Transitions involve a loss within the gain. I will have to say goodbye to family and community life as I’ve known it for the past 2 years. However, I am also re-entering a community in which I still have known support, and an incredible spiritual family as well! another difficulty within this transition will be finances. I am pretty low on finances and actually will owe YWAM LA approximately $500 due to falling behind in financial support within the last few months. So I could definitely use help getting on track, financially, during this transition. In addition, I need to be covered in prayer support. It is vital for me to receive support in this area because I know that with every decision I make to follow in obedience of Christ, I can guarantee spiritual opposition and battles. If you would like to send a check you can make it out to Kate Hunt and send to:

9107 Bryant Lane Apt. 3B

Indianapolis, IN 46250


  1. So glad for the update God will come through for you financially, that I know is true.

  2. thanks so much, Kel!!! i think so too:)
